Кубанский государственный технологический университет

Mikhail G. BARYSHEV, Interim Rector of Kuban State Technological University, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Mikhail Baryshev was born in 1970 in Krasnodar. He graduated from Kuban State University with a degree in Physics.

He has been honored with the following awards and recognitions:

- a Certificate of Honor from the Head of Administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar Region,

- a Letter of Acknowledgement from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

- a Letter of Acknowledgement from the Head of Administration of the Krasnodar Region for the achievements in scientific, technological and innovative activities.

Dr. Baryshev is a highly qualified professor, a well-known scientist in the field of biophysics, the author of over 350 scientific and methodological works including seven monographs, 49 patents for invention, 15 utility patents. He is an expert of the Federal Register of Experts in the Scientific and Technical Field and the Russian Science Foundation.

Dr. Baryshev is a member of the All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Professorial Convention” (the Krasnodar regional office), a member of the expert advisory board at the Legislature in the field of Science, Education, Culture and Family Matters Committee of the Krasnodar Region, a member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorov, a Corresponding Member of the Russian Ecological Academy, a member of the Interregional Public Organization “Russian Ecological Society,” member of the editorial board of four scientific journals.

Mikhail Baryshev is married, has three children.

08.03.01 Civil Engineering

08.04.01 Civil Engineering

09.03.03 Applied Informatics

15.03.05 Machinery Design Support for Machine Building Industry

19.03.02 Plant-Based Food Products

19.03.03 Food Products of Animal Origin

19.03.04 Foodservice Technology

19.04.04 Foodservice Technology

20.03.01 Technosphere Safety

21.03.02 Land Planning and Cadastres

23.03.01 Technology of Transport Processes

Address: 2, Moskovskaya Street, Building A, Krasnodar, Krasnodar Region, 350072, Russia

Rector's Office: + 7 861 255-84-01, e-mail: adm@kgtu.kuban.ru

Admissions Office: + 7 861 255-25-32, e-mail: priemkubstu@mail.ru

License 90Л01 №0009467, Reg. №2402 of September 26, 2016 valid indefinitely

State Accreditation Certificate 90А01 №0002458, Reg. №2335 of November 08, 2016 valid till April 28, 2022
