Educational partnership






Educational events

University of Jyväskylä

12.06.2019 - 14.06.2019
Finland, Jyväskylä

University of Jyväskylä is holding the Computational Sciences and AI in Industry (CSAI) Conference: new digital technologies for solving future societal and economical challenges on June 12-14, 2019. This thematic conference explores the possibilities and challenges of applying Computational Sciences and AI in the industrial sector such as transport, medicine, finance, police investigation, and more. Conference topics include, among others: innovations and industrial or societal applications of the fields in question, big data analysis and processes, intelligence issues, algorithms for problem-solving and those used with big data and AI, tools and emerging technologies, deep and machine learning, and optimization. Everyone interested in these issues is warmly welcome to participate and contribute. Detailed information about the conference, important dates, registration is available at

Deadline 18.01.2019

Educational events

University of Jyväskylä

17.06.2019 - 19.06.2019
Finland, Jyväskylä

This offer is only for Arts & Humanities fields

University of Jyväskylä is holding the 4th international conference Thinking, doing, learning: Usage based perspectives on second language learning on June 17-19, 2019.
The aim of TDL is to advance our understanding of what it means to take a usage-based approach to L2 learning and L2 research. The university invites researchers to explore a wide variety of questions related to language usage, language learning, and cognition, such as what it means to interact in L2 in the society, how speakers accomplish social actions in moment-to-moment sense-making activities, and what is the nature of language use environments as well as sediments of usage events left as “acquired linguistic constructions” in the individual language learner. This variety of questions involves strong, empirical and theoretical considerations of language, learning, and cognition:
- what is language – constructions or interactional competence?
-what is learning – social action or long-term portability? what is cognition – an individual property or a socially distributed phenomenon?, and
-what are the implications for L2 teaching? Detailed information about the conference, important dates, keynote speakers and registration is available at

Deadline 05.11.2018


Utrecht University

Netherlands, Utrecht

This offer is only for Business & Economics, Social Sciences fields

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoc position 'Climate related financial risks and opportunities' (1.0 FTE). Candidates should be excellent and enthusiastic researchers who are able to combine academic and broader societal perspectives, should hold a PhD in Finance or Economics; strong analytical skills and a background in real option theory are strongly recommended and experience with scenario building would be much appreciated. Being able and interested to (co-)operate in a multidisciplinary research group is an important selection criterion. An entrepreneurial spirit, excellent networking skills and the desire to develop programmes and attract funding are essential as are good communication skills and excellent command of spoken and written English. The researcher will spend 60 percent of his/her time on academic research, 20 percent on education and 20 percent on outreach to the financial sector, writing position (policy) papers and supporting the writing of new grant proposals. Experience in these fields are considered a plus. The position is temporary (1.0 FTE) and is offered for two to three years with an option to extend conditional on good performance. The gross salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges between €2,640 and €4,852 gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 % per year. We offer a pension scheme, (partly paid) parental leave, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). Detailed information about the position is available at

Deadline 29.10.2018


Utrecht University

Netherlands, Utrecht

This offer is only for Life Sciences fields

The Faculty of Science of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoc position Biofuels with Negative Emissions (1.0 FTE). Candidates should have a strong background in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and a broad interest in the scientific, technological, economic and social aspects of the energy transition, to make an inventory of the technologies, tools and expertise available in the Chemistry Department and Copernicus Institute to identify and experimentally explore the most promising opportunities for new breakthroughs in negative-emission technologies in combination with second generation jet and marine fuel production. The position is temporary (1.0 FTE) and is offered for two years. The gross salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges between €2,640 and €4,166 (scale 10 according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities) gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 % per year. We offer a pension scheme, (partly paid) parental leave, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). Detailed information about the position is available at

Deadline 28.10.2018


Utrecht University

Netherlands, Utrecht

This offer is only for Business & Economics, Social Sciences fields

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoctoral Researcher Investment in Industry Transition in the Research Hub on “Deep Decarbonization: Towards Industry with Negative Emissions” (0.8 – 1.0 FTE). We invite applications from candidates whose previous research activities and publication record reflect a strong interest and/or proven expertise in conducting transdisciplinary research on investment in sustainability transitions in energy and industry. Candidates should be able to not only analyze, but also to generate actionable knowledge and inspiring perspectives that practitioners can use and apply in their sustainability transition efforts within industry. The preferred candidate for this position has a PhD in Finance or Economics with proven interest in energy transition and futuring. Knowledge of corporate finance, investment decision making and financial modeling is expected. Knowledge of energy systems modelling and scenario analysis is highly appreciated. We offer a temporary position (0.8 - 1.0 FTE) for two years. We intend to extend the position to a period of 4 years, subject to a positive evaluation and the acquisition of external funding. The gross salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges between €3,044 and €4,852 gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 % per year. We offer a pension scheme, (partly paid) parental leave, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). Detailed information about the position is available at

Deadline 29.10.2018


Utrecht University

Netherlands, Utrecht

This offer is only for Arts & Humanities fields

The Faculty of Humanities of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoc Position in Anchoring in Hellenistic Philosophy (1.0 FTE) for 1,5 years, starting date to be agreed, with a preference for 1 March 2019. Candidates should have a PhD in Ancient Philosophy, held by time of appointment (if the degree is not yet obtained at the time of application, a statement by the applicant's supervisor should confirm that it will be obtained by time of appointment); an excellent research and publication record in relation to stage of career; a strong cooperative attitude and willingness to engage in collaborative research; excellent command of English; some organisational experience. The salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges from €3,637 to €4,978 gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year-end allowance of 8.3% per year. In addition, Utrecht University offers excellent secondary conditions, including an attractive retirement scheme, (partly paid) parental leave and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). In order to be considered, applications must include the following information (in the order stated), in one PDF file (not zipped): - cover letter; -cv, including list of publications and contact details of two referees; - research proposal of 1500 words (excluding bibliography and – if appropriate – appendix containing list of sources: together max. two pages A4); -copy of relevant degree certificate(s);- if necessary (see requirements), statement by supervisor confirming that the applicant will hold the required degree at the time of appointment. Detailed information about the position is available at

Deadline 31.10.2018

Educational events

Arctic University of Norway

13.03.2019 - 15.03.2019
Finland, Rovaniemi

Arctic University of Norway invites you to participate in the 10th Circumpolar Agriculture Conference 'New thinking about local agriculture in the circumpolar Arctic – Best practices, innovations and perspectives' that will take place on March 13 - 15, 2019 at the Arctic Center of University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland. The conference is the tenth in line of international conferences organized within the framework of CAA (Circumpolar Agriculture Association), aimed at people involved in northern agriculture such as researchers, practitioners, administrators, managers, policy-makers and students. The conference will address a bottom-up approach and new thinking of local agriculture, food production and rural development in the northern areas. The goal is to open up and discuss versatile meanings of circumpolar agriculture and call for new thinking to address its topical challenges and opportunities. In accordance with the theme of Finland’s Chairmanship period of the Arctic Council, UN Sustainable Development Goals will be highlighted in the program. The sessions will examine among others best practices and resilient solutions in the utilization of animal and plant resources, local breeds, reindeer herding, small-scale farming and non-timber forest products. The conference will address the high quality of arctic foods, their local profitability and business opportunities. The importance of food security and sustainability in different regions and countries will also be discussed. The conference is hosted by the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland together with the Natural Resources Institute Finland; other co-organisers are ProAgria Lapland, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Regional Council of Lapland, Reindeer Herders’ Association and Metsähallitus. For important dates and other information please see

Deadline 29.10.2018

Educational events

Arctic University of Norway

06.11.2018 - 08.11.2018

This offer is only for Arts & Humanities fields

Arctic University of Norway invites you to participate in the Relate North 2018 Symposium in Nesna, Norway, on October 6-8.
Relate North 2018 Symposium: Collaborative Art, Design and Education will focus on the wider perspective of collaborative practices within the Arctic region. This includes art and design projects within and between society, schools, universities, business, culture, tourism and well-being. RELATE NORTH is a collaboration between the University of the Arctic’s Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design thematic network (ASAD), Nord University Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Lapland, UArctic and Helgeland Museum. This will be the seventh symposium in the series hosted by ASAD. ASAD network aims to identify and share innovative practices in learning, teaching, research and knowledge exchange in the fields of art, design and visual culture education. The network promotes cooperation and collaboration between academic institutions and communities with the purpose of working towards a shared understanding of critical issues relevant to people living in the north. Every year the RELATE NORTH symposium attract leading scholars and artists from around the circumpolar north to present research and debate issues of concern in the north through the lens of art and design theory and practice. Detailed information about application is available at

Deadline 05.11.2018

Scholarships and grants

Arctic University of Norway

Norway, Tromsø

This offer is only for Arts & Humanities fields

The Department of Language and Culture at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) offers one four-year Doctoral Research Fellowship (PhD) within Media and Documentation Studies/Archive, Library and Museum Studies.
The purpose of the PhD Research Fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a doctoral dissertation to be defended publicly. The candidate will be affiliated with the Faculty's organised research training, and the academic work must result in a doctoral thesis aiming to obtain the degree of PhD within the period of employment. Admission to a PhD program is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position.
The successful candidate must meet the requirements for admission to the Faculty’s PhD program, cf. § 6 of UiT PhD regulations. Moreover, the applicant must prove English language proficiency equivalent to the standards of Norwegian Higher Education Entrance Qualification, see PhD Regulations UiT. For more information, see also For further information about the position (and the project), please contact Professor Andreas Vårheim, phone +47 – 77 64 57 39, e-mail: or the Head of Department of Language and Culture Eystein Dahl, phone +47 77 64 42 90, e-mail:

Deadline 31.10.2018


KU Leuven

Belgium, Leuven

This offer is only for Engineering & Technology fields

The laboratory of Measure, Model, Manage Bio-Responses (M3-BIORES) of University of Leuven invites applications for the full-time 4-year PhD position on dynamic modelling of animal behaviours using machine learning, intelligent sensors and computational ethology. M3-BIORES are now looking for a doctoral candidate to carry out this exciting research through a four year PhD project. The project would be ideally suited to a student with a strong quantitative background in computer science, engineering, or the physical sciences who has a passion to do high level research in a very engaged and ambitious research team. Prior knowledge of machine-learning techniques is not a pre-requisite but candidates should possess a innovative streak and hunger tolearn new methodologies. The student will work in a multi-disciplinary team including ethology, signal processing, optimization and machine learning. Theu will also work closely with industrial partners and will be guided towards how to realise technical solutions from the science. Candidates should have recent master degree from one of the countries of the EU or the EER or Switzerland, must be willing to obtain a PhD degree in the field of bio-science engineering at the KU Leuven, be able to fluently speak, read and write in English, as communicating project results in international peer reviewed journals is a major task. Desirable: Understanding in animal biology/physiology; experience in multi-disciplinary collaboration; working knowledge of MATLAB. Detailed information about the position is available at

Deadline 30.11.2018