Electric Power Industry and Electrical Engineering in North-Caucasus Federal University

Bachelor’s program

Institute of Engineering,

Department of Automated Electrical Power Systems and Electric Power Supply







Head of the Department

Tel.: + 7 8652 94-73-67, + 7 8652 95-65-49

E-mail: aese@ncfu.ru

Achievements and awards. The program underwent state accreditation in 2020. In 2015 the program (Electric Power Systems and Networks major) underwent professional-public accreditation (the Association for Engineering Education in Russia). This program is marked with the European quality label EUR-ACE.

Teaching staff. The academic degree holders ratio is 73%. The department employs six Doctors of Sciences. The representatives of regional enterprises of electric power and electric engineering sectors are engaged in the development and implementation of the educational program.

Facilities and resources. The educational program is supported with relevant teaching and learning aids and information resources. NCFU has state-of-the-art specialized learning and research laboratories with necessary benches and equipment (the center for shared use National Instruments, the integrated center for training and innovations in the field of energy efficiency named after A.I. Ilchenko, etc.). Students have access to databases, library collections and electronic library systems.

Research. The department staff conducts research in the following areas:

1. Application of information technologies in electric power industry.

2. Development of a theory of reliability assessment of electric power systems and training of operating and dispatching personnel.

3. Experimental study of engineering tools for measuring electric power, automated measuring and information systems for electric power fiscal metering and development of measures to improve them.

4. Study of electric power modes and losses in electric networks 0.38 – 110 kV of the region, development of technical and organizational measures to reduce them, standardization of electric power losses.

Education. Active and interactive teaching models, e-learning and distant educational technologies are used.

Strategic partners. The department cooperates with the following enterprises of the sector: System Operator of the Unified Energy System, Rosseti, Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System, Rosseti North Caucasus, RusHydro, Stavropolenergosbyt, Concern Energomera; Stavropolkommunelektro, Electrical Engineering Plants Energomera, Signal, Elektroavtomatika, Stavropol Power Company, Enel Russia.

Students undertake work placement at partner organizations.

Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. Internationalization of the educational and research process is one of NCFU's top priorities and is a strategically important vector of the university development. NCFU established the Department of International Cooperation.
