Лариса Евсеева


Student mobility

Udmurt State University

09.07.2018 - 29.07.2018
Russia, Izhevsk

We invite international students interested in learning the Russian language and exploing the Russian culture to apply for an UdSU summer school programme. visit the Motherland of the great Russian composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky! More details are available at http://udsu.ru/English/Study/Summer-Schools/Summer-School-of-Russian-Language-Arts-2018

Deadline 15.06.2018

Student mobility

Udmurt State University

10.07.2018 - 31.07.2018
Russia, Izhevsk

Udmurt State University offers a unique opportunity for those interested in minor languages: summer school programme "Trip to Finno-Ugria: Language and verbal culture of the Udmurts". The Udmurt language belongs to the Finno-Ugrian language family and is spoken by the indigenous population of the Russia called the Udmurts. More information is available at http://udsu.ru/English/Study/Summer-Schools/Summer-School-of-the-Udmurt-Language-2018

Deadline 31.05.2018