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RWTH Aachen University

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Student mobility

06.08.2018 - 24.08.2018
Germany, Aachen

This offer is only for Engineering & Technology fields

The International Academy of RWTH Aachen University invites B.Sc. and prospective Master's students from all over the world to join the Production Technology meets Industry 4.0 Summer School. Detailed information about the school, entry requirements and application procedure is available at

Deadline 01.05.2018


Germany, Aachen

The RWTH Aachen is seeking to cooperate with companies or private individuals wishing to support motivated and talented students. They are offered an opportunity to foster new projects or invest in existing ones through donations of any kind, make endowments to support a specific purpose permanently, or sign an official sponsorship contract to join together RWTH Aachen's prestige as an excellent university and their own reputation. For detailed information, feel free to contact Angela Poth Head of Division Phone work +49 241 80-94389

Deadline 01.01.2019


Germany, Aachen

RWTH Aachen offers its junior researchers attractive career development opportunities and helps them achieve their career goals. The list of university centres providing various career-related services to their clients is provided at

Deadline 01.01.2019


Germany, Aachen

The RWTH Aachen Career Center provides a number of recruitment services to companies searching for suitable employees. These include posting job openings, organizing company presentations and job fairs, support with the Career Center seminar program, or targeted funding for students from companies. For detailed information, feel free to contact Anja Robert Head of Division Phone work +49 241 80 99122,

Deadline 01.01.2019
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