BSTU “VOENMEH” is one of the leading Russian technical universities training personnel for the defense industry. It offers high-quality and affordable education for both Russian and international students.
The university alumni chief designers of weapons and ammunition, government officials and even astronauts, exploring an outer space!
А - Faculty of Rocket and Space Technology
И - Faculty of Intelligence and Control Systems
О - Faculty of Natural Sciences
Е - Faculty of Weapons and Weapons Systems
Р - Faculty of International Industrial Management and Communication
Educational programs
Bachelor’s programs
- Information Systems and Technologies
- Software Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Applied Mechanics
- Economics
- Management
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Fundamental and Applied Linguistics
- Engineering and Technological Support of Machine-Building Production
- Technosphere Safety
- Standardization and Metrology
- Control in Engineering Systems
Master’s programs
- Dynamics and Strength of Machines, Instruments and Equipment
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Environmental Engineering Protection
- Elements and Devices of Control Systems
- Robotic Systems Control
- General and Strategic Management
- State and Municipal Management
- Software Development Processes and Methods
- Standardization, Quality Management and Metrology in Instrument Engineering
- Sports Management
- Political Security Infrastructure of Social Systems
PhD programs
- Economics
- Political Sciences and Regional Studies
- Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies
- Informatics and Computer Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Technosphere Safety
- Control in Engineering Systems