Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin


The academy trains highly qualified agricultural specialists in the following areas:

  • Management, planning and implementation of veterinary and sanitary measures. Veterinary and sanitary inspection in the processing industry, in laboratories, on transport, at customs, border check points, and organizations
  • Veterinary and sanitary control and biosecurity control of raw materials and products of animal origin and plant-based products. Control of the processing industry at trading companies and markets
  • Prevention and treatment of all animal species’ diseases. Improvement of animals’ productive qualities, veterinary control, forensic and sanitary examination 
  • Genetic technologies, animal and poultry husbandry, agribusiness, biotechnologies and manufacturing of medicinal products for veterinary use
Address and contacts
109472, Россия, Центральный ФО, г. Москва, улица Академика Скрябина, 23
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