
Accreditation and achievements. State accreditation certificate. Professional-public accreditation. Certificate of independent quality evaluation of the learning environment. Quality certificate of independent quality evaluation of education.
Facilities and resources. Specialized educational laboratories with the required tools, including spectrophotometers, chromatographs, drug substances, and medicinal plant raw materials.
Learning outcomes. Pharmacy is a group of disciplines studying the issues of creation, safety, study, storage, production, dispensing and marketing of drug products as well as searching for natural sources of drug substances.
In-depth training in various pharmacy specialties by solving particular practical or theoretical issues. Practice-oriented training and project-based learning. Elite education. Individual learning paths and academic mobility. Parallel continuing professional education. Participation in Olympiads, contests, and conferences (students are laureates of the Student of the Year award). The Russian President and the Russian Government scholarships. Student research on pharmaceutical technology. Strategy sessions. Practical training at the region’s pharmacy organizations. The student project hackathon for the university campus.
Competitive advantages. The flexible tuition discount system. Fee-paying students can study at the expense of their future employers – pharmacies. Dormitories for everybody who needs accommodation. The special learning environment for people who have secondary vocational education in pharmacy. Guaranteed employment. The Professional Career Development Center. A wide range of sports facilities. The university clinics for students and the psychological counseling and accreditation centers.
Employers and employment. Graduates obtain a qualification of pharmacist in charge.
The graduate employment rate is 99%. The faculty cooperates with the region’s leading employers such as Gubernskie Apteki, Apteka ot Sklada-Tsentr, Garmoniya Zdorovya, the Federal Siberian Research Clinical Center under FMBA of Russia, and others. The agreement with the Labor and Employment Agency of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the State Territorial Public Institution Krasnoyarsk Employment Center, and MedInvestGroup on cooperation in employment promotion and adaptation of educational institutions’ graduates in the job market. The Professional Career Development Center.

Olga Lopatina
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