
Accreditation and achievements. State accreditation certificate (the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science), international and professional-public accreditation (the autonomous non-commercial organization “The National Center for Public Accreditation”). Certificate of independent quality evaluation of the learning environment (the Public Council for Independent Quality Evaluation at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia). Quality certificate of independent quality evaluation of education (Research Institute of Education Quality Monitoring).
Teaching staff. The educational program is delivered by highly qualified specialists in their fields. Seventy-four percent of the teachers hold academic degrees of Candidates or Doctors of Sciences.
Facilities and resources. Training is provided in the educational laboratories fitted with specialized simulation equipment and training resources and materials. The university clinics. The department center of simulation technologies. A wide range of sports facilities and dormitories.
Learning outcomes. The languages of instruction are Russian and English. Practice-oriented training, project-based learning, and elite education. Individual learning paths and academic mobility. Parallel continuing professional education. Student strategy sessions and research. Practical training at the region’s leading medical institutions.
Competitive advantages. The departments established at the university clinics, including the dental clinic. Dormitories for everybody who needs accommodation. Tuition discounts. Fee-paying students can get funding from the territorial budget (educational certificate). The university’s psychological counseling and accreditation centers. Guaranteed employment.
Career prospects and employment. Graduates obtain a qualification of dentist.
The graduate employment rate is 99%. Every year the employers’ representatives carry out an external expert evaluation of the educational program and the graduates’ competence level. The university’s Professional Career Development Center. The agreement with the Labor and Employment Agency of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the State Territorial Public Institution Krasnoyarsk Employment Center, and MedInvestGroup on cooperation in employment promotion and adaptation of graduates in the job market. The career events are held in cooperation with the employers.

Olga Lopatina
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