Applied Geodesy in Industrial University of Tyumen
Department of Geodesy and Cadastral Activity
Specialist's program

KRIAKHTUNOV Aleksandr Viktorovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. Since 2014 the program has been ranked among the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia. Students actively participate in academic and scientific events of different levels: subject olympiads, intellectual games, contests of intellectual projects, research papers, scientific conferences, the UMNIK contest, etc.
The third-year student A. Privalov is a frequent prize winner of the All-Russian Physics Olympiad, the winner and a prize winner of regional contests of scientific papers, has eight publications. In 2016 the fifth-year
In 2016 the second-year students A. Privalov and Iu. Parshakova successfully passed competitive selection and took part in the All-Russian expedition CREDO 2016 held by the Credo-Dialogue company.
Teaching staff. The principal professional educational program is delivered by the leading teachers of the region: four Doctors of Sciences and 12 Candidates of Sciences.
Facilities and resources. The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art land surveying equipment: satellite-borne receivers, electronic total stations and theodolites, digital and laser levels, laser devices of vertical design, devices for detecting underground cables, etc. The department actively uses its computer classroom and the integrated laboratory of applied geodesy in software equipped with software such as LGO, Credo.Dat, Credo.Transcor, Credo.Tranform, Credo.Geoestimate, Credo.Genplan, Credo.Deformation Analysis, Credo.Volumes, GIS Map-2011, GIS MapInfo 12.0, GIS ArcGIS, etc.
Education. The university has specialized learning and research laboratories of geodesy, applied geodesy, automation of geodetic and engineering works, computer classrooms and classrooms equipped with multimedia.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with West-Siberian Aero-Geodetic Enterprise where the external department was established, the Navgeokom geodetic company, the GiproNG-Trust design company, the Sphere-T geodetic company, the Neftegazproekt oil and gas research and design institute. The main regional employers of specialists in applied geodesy are West-Siberian Aero-Geodetic Enterprise, oil and gas companies, the Directorate of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Tyumen Region, research and design institutes, construction companies, architecture and urban planning departments, etc.
Competitive advantages. The university boasts highly qualified teaching staff and provides high-quality training for students.