Tambov Region

Illustrative photo of the region
Dmitry9568, WikiCommons

Geography. The region lies in the southern part of the East European Plain and in the central part of the Oka-Don Plain. It is a part of the Central Federal District. It borders the Ryazan Region in the north, the Penza Region in the northeast, the Saratov Region in the southeast, the Voronezh Region in the south, and the Lipetsk Region in the west. The area is 34,462 km².

Climate. The climate is moderately continental, with warm summers and stable hard winters.

Average temperature

  • -11.5°C in January
  •  +20°C in July


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Economy. The Tambov Region is a typical agro-industrial region. Besides agriculture, it has well-developed light and chemical industries.


  • The Tambov Region is crossed by the South-Eastern and Kuybyshev Railways connecting the region with the Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kursk, Volgograd, Penza, Saratov, Tula, and Rostov Regions.
  • The most important highways are the Caspian (Moscow— Volgograd— Astrakhan), Orel — Livny— Elets— Lipetsk— Tambov, Voronezh— Tambov, Tambov— Penza, Tambov— Shatsk.
  • There is Tambov Airport in the region.

Tourist attractions

  • Tambov Museum of Regional Studies. It was founded in 1879. It occupies the Political Education House in Derzhavinskaya street. The museum collections include 110,000 exhibits telling the story of the region. Of special interest are the etching collections of the 18-19th centuries as well as the collection of Dutch and Chinese vases of the 18-19th centuries and peasant clothing specimens. The skeletons of pre-glacial animals are an extraordinary archeological find.
  • Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior. The cathedral is the first stone temple in Tambov. It was built in 1694. Nowadays, it is considered the main spiritual center of the city. The cathedral is located on Cathedral Square. The monument to its founder – Bishop Pitirim is installed nearby. The five-headed cross-in-square church was built in the Baroque and Classicism styles.
  • Lake Svyatovskoye. It is located on the outskirts of Tambov. Its area is less than 2.5 ha. Its maximum depth is 20 m. It has the shape of almost an even circle. It is also called the lake of mysteries. This is associated with different legends of the past and anomalies. There are several tourist routes around it. The most popular route includes sightseeing of ten main natural sites of the region and is 10 km long.

The capital is the city of Tambov, founded in 1636. 


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The administrative, economic, and cultural center in the Tambov Region.

movie theaters

Universities in the Tambov Region

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