Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev—KAI

Republic of Tatarstan
Bachelor's programs
Specialist's programs
Master's programs
PhD programs
international students

KNRTU-KAI is a modern education and research center which is highly reputed in Russia and abroad. It trains highly qualified personnel for knowledge-based engineering and covers the aviation and automotive industries.

Today KNRTU-KAI is a large scientific center in the Volga region of Russia and one of the leading academic institutions in the Republic of Tatarstan.


  • 8 campuses
  • 3 research institutes
  • 6 institutes, 1 faculty
  • 45 departments
  • 11 research and education centers
  • 2 colleges
  • Engineering boarding school
  • Business incubator
  • 46 laboratories
  • The Ikar recreation camp on the bank of the Volga River
  • The university sports center, an indoor swimming pool, and the KAI-OLYMP football stadium

KNRTU-KAI offers dormitory accommodation to international students studying in state-funded places. Other students get assistance in looking for accommodation.


After international students are enrolled, they are supported by the staff members of the KNRTU-KAI Institute of International Education. They help check in at the dormitory, get health insurance, undergo medical examination, prepare and submit visa extension documents, and get migration registration.

During the first two weeks, international students participate in the Adaptation School activities such as tours, lectures on Russian legislation, mindset training courses, master classes on living in dormitories, and other events. The university's psychologists help
overcome adaptation problems that arise.

Partner employers

KNRTU-KAI is a flagship university of state corporations such as Rostec, Rosatom, Roscosmos. A great many graduates work for aviation enterprises. Among the employers are Gorbunov Kazan Aviation Plant, a branch of the Tupolev company, Kazan Helicopter Plant, Ural Civil Aviation Plant, Kazan Research and Production Enterprise "Helicopters-MI," Kazan International Airport named after Gabdulla Tukay, Sochi International Airport named after V. I. Sevastyanov.


Now R&D is carried out in the field of laser, quantum and composite technologies. Over the past several years, KNRTU-KAI has implemented a lot of breakthrough projects which still play an important role in developing engineering education and research and technology sector of the republic and Russia.

Famous alumni

KAI's history is related to the names of outstanding Russian scientists. Among the people who worked here are Sergei Korolev, the founder of Russian rocket science; Boris Gubanov, chief designer of the Energy – Buran rocket and space system; Mikhail Simonov, chief designer at Sukhoi Design Bureau Company; academician Vyacheslav Alemasov.

Among KAI graduates are Ildus Mostyukov, chief designer of the single combined arms system of state radar identification of Russia "friend or foe" as well as Vladimir Belugin who was the head of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, and other famous people.

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