Best Educational Programs: MACHINE BUILDING
Department of Technology of Machine Building
Bachelor’s program

NEKRASOV, Roman Iurevich
Acting Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The program includes a supplementary educational program aimed at advanced training of leading specialists of machine building enterprises in the field of complete integrated automation of preproduction engineering. The program won the grant contest for the implementation of the presidential advanced training program for engineering staff of Russia (2013-2014).
Industrial University of Tyumen offers some other best educational programs in the field of Metallurgy, Engineering and Processing of Materials:
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
TECHNOLOGICAL MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
Teaching staff. The teaching staff include two Professors, Doctors of Engineering Sciences, six Associate Professors, Candidates of Engineering Sciences. Professors A.A. Silich, M.Kh. Uteshev, V.V. Novoselov has made a significant contribution to establishing and strengthening of the department’s potential from 1967 to the present day. The department’s research work is organized at a high level and is a priority activity.
University partners within the educational program. Enterprises: Tyumenstalmost, a steel structure manufacturer; GMS Neftemash, an oil equipment supplier; GMS Sibneftemash, an oil and gas equipment supplier; Tyumen Experimental Factory of Geophysical Instrument-Making; UrayNPO—Servis, an oilfield equipment service and repair company; GROM, a geology- prospecting equipment manufacturer; the Tyumen Engine Builders company.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Our alumni are in great demand at leading machine-building enterprises. Students annually participate in and often win various international and all-Russian research conferences, regional contests of student works.
Facilities and resources. The university regularly holds various creative events. Students can attend specialized sports clubs (volleyball, basketball, table tennis, etc.)
The department has state-of-the-art facilities and resources: NC machine tools, industrial robots, tooling packages, required materials and semi-finished products. The facilities include the interdepartment CAD laboratory, the state of-the-art CAD system for the development of tooling and technological processes with a set of peripheral devices (printer, plotter, scanner).
Opportunities for students. Students undertake their internship at leading machine-building enterprises of the Tyumen Region. Besides, students receive additional practical and modular training to acquire advanced labor and management methods, professional skills, experience of managerial work in the production team.
Employment prospects. Alumni can work at leading design and research institutes, major oil and gas companies, high-technology machine-building enterprises as structural engineers, production engineers and plant superintendents.