Department of Materials Science and Construction Materials Engineering
Bachelor’s program
Master’s program

KOVENSKII, Ilia Moiseevich
Head of the Department
Achievements of the educational program. The Materials Science and Engineering (in the Fuel and Energy Sector) program was recognized as one of the best programs within the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia implemented by the Guild of Experts in the Sphere of Professional Education and the National Centre for Public Accreditation.
Industrial University of Tyumen offers some other best educational programs in the field of Metallurgy, Engineering and Processing of Materials:
MACHINE BUILDING - Bachelor’s program
TECHNOLOGICAL MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
Teaching staff. The department employs the highly qualified staff including Doctors of Sciences, Professors, Candidates of Sciences, authors of textbooks and monographs, laureates of international and Russian grants. All teachers undertook work placement at top universities of Russia, the USA, Canada, Japan, China, Germany, Finland. The department established the Research Institute of Reliability and Safety of Materials and Structures.
University partners within the educational program. Employing enterprises: the Sibneftegazdiagnostika company specializing in industrial safety diagnostics and expert examination; the ZAPSIBORGRES company specializing in industrial equipment repair, technical construction expert examination, industrial safety expert examination; the Tyumen Machine-Tool Plant; the Tyumenremdormash road construction company; the Leader sanitary engineering company; the Geotron geophysical and oilfield equipment manufacturer; the GMS Neftemash oil equipment supplier; the Tyumen Plant of Medical Equipment and Instruments, the Gasturboservis company specializing in repair and maintenance of gas turbine engines; the Oilfield Equipment company; the Tyumen Battery Plant. Employers’ representatives are members of the State Examination Board.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Alumni are in great demand at research institutes, energy industry enterprises and associations (machine-building enterprises, instrument-making and oil and gas equipment manufacturing enterprises). Bachelor graduates can pursue a Master’s degree in the field of Materials Science and Engineering (in the Fuel and Energy Sector), and postgraduate studies. Students and postgraduate students are frequent winners and prize winners of contests and olympiads of different levels, holders of personal scholarships and grants.
Facilities and resources. The laboratories of the department are equipped with a set of high-resolution devices (electronic microscopes, X-ray diffractometers, spectrometers, etc., which allow students to study materials at the atomic level). The university has 13 comfortable dormitories, a healthcare center and the Olympia sports and recreation camp.
Opportunities for students and employment prospects. Alumni can apply their professional knowledge in various industries at enterprises specializing in receiving and processing of metallic and non-metallic materials, at research institutes and universities. The program focuses on technology, design and engineering and management. The department provides continuing professional training in the Controller of Materials, Metals, Semi-finished and Finished Products vocational program. The Tyumenstalmost steel structure manufacturer established the department branch providing practical and modular training.