Department of Information Security of Automated Systems
Specialist’s programme

CHIPIGA, Alexander Fyodorovich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. Information security of automated systems is a rapidly developing area of research and engineering which covers methods and means for providing information security while collecting, processing, storing and transferring information in automated systems and networks.
In 2011 the Major Department won a victory at the National Forum of Information Security in the category “The Educational Centre of the Year”. In 2011 and
Material and technical facilities of the Department include laboratories of complex technical equipment for providing information security, of special software methods of information protection, of network software tools of information protection, of Cisco academy and of virtual private networks VipNet. The Faculty has in place the Regional Educational and Research Centre for Information Security.
Teaching staff. More than 85% of teachers have academic degrees and titles; the average age of the staff is about 40. The teaching staff includes two honoured workers of higher professional education of the RF, and two teachers are awarded the lapel pin “Inventor of the
The research is carried out actively in the scientific school “Theory of Building Structural and Physical Models of Transionospheric Radio Channels and their Application for the Improvement of Quality Indicators of Satellite and Shortwave Radiosystems”.
Competitiveness of students. Teachers together with students successfully participate in international conferences and grant programmes, national and international Olympiads and contests. Students constantly participate in scholarship programmes of the President and the Government of the
Upon the completion of training graduates work in public authorities, ministries and institutions, tax and customs offices, credit and finance organizations, centres and design institutions of information security.
Interaction with employers. Students are placed for working experience in the companies, whose activity is directly connected with information security provision. These companies include MTU “Telekom-S”, FSO communication centre of the Government of the Stavropol region, LLC “ASKOM” Certification Authority”, LLC NPO “InzhenernyeSistemy”, Radio Frequency Centre of the South Federal District in the North Caucasus, JSC“Rosintegratsiya”, LLC NPK “SoyuzSpetsAvtomatika” (Moscow), “InfoTeks” (Moscow).