Department of Independent Information and Control Systems
Specialist’s programme
Postgraduate programme

KICHKIDOV, Anatoly Andreevich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The implementation of the Educational Programme is oriented towards complex research, development, production, experimental development of fuses for different purposes, high-performance technologies, constructions and double-purpose equipment. It is based on implementing up-to-date methods and means of design, calculation, mathematical, physical and computer modelling. The Programme trains specialists for dual purpose: theProgramme’s graduates work in the sphere of research and production of the defence complex and in the civil sphere in the field of designing mechanical and electronic equipment.
The study process involves implementation of interactive forms, which develop initiative, and target approach, thus increasing the attractiveness of the Programme. Practical training, which is conducted at the leading enterprises of the industry and research sites, provides the opportunity to acquire and solidify practical skills. The University signed six partnership agreements with the leading Russian HEIs in the field of educational and academic activities.
Teaching staff. The Programme is delivered by 16 teachers, including 6 Doctors of Sciences and 8 Candidates of Sciences (PhDs). Leading specialists of the basic enterprises and research institutes are involved in teaching.
The teaching staff participated in the development of the new educational standard. The Education and Methodology Council appointed the Department of Independent Information and Control Systems as the major department in the specialty “fuses”. The Department is included into the leadership of the Education and Methodological Council of the specialty.
Competitiveness of students. In 2013, the average passing grade for the applicants was 162. 35% of applicants were enrolled at the commission of enterprises and research institutes of the defence industry complex. The competition was 5.5 applications for 1 place.
Senior students participate in contractual research work; some of them continue their studies as postgraduates. Graduates of the Programme are employees of the Ministry of Defence of the
Interaction with employers. According to the signed agreements with employers, a part of professional training is conducted in manufacturing facilities and engineering departments of partner-organizations and research institutes. Employers are included into the boards of thesis defence; they have the opportunity to evaluate the knowledge of students with the view of prospective employment.