Electronics and Nanoelectronics in North-Caucasus Federal University
Electronics and Nanoelectronics
North-Caucasus Federal University
Department of Physics and Electronics,Institute of Engineering
Bachelor's program

PIGULEV Roman Vitalevich
Acting Head of the Department
Awards and achievements. The educational program is listed on the register of accredited programs of the Association for Engineering Education in
Students regularly participate and win prizes in WorldSkills competitions in the Electronics competency.
Teaching staff. The academic degree holders ratio is 80% (four Doctors of Sciences, 12 Candidates of Sciences). The teaching staff includes the heads and leading specialists of specialized enterprises (Monocrystal, a leading supplier of sapphire, the Concern Energomera electronics manufacturer, the LUM research and production company, Stilsoft Group) and certified experts of WorldSkills in the Electronics competency.
Facilities and resources. The program is supported with relevant teaching and learning aids and information resources. The university has state-of-the-art specialized learning and research laboratories (the center for shared use of scientific equipment of NCFU, the center for shared use National Instruments, the Scientific and Laboratory Complex "Clean Zones," the specialized center for WorldSkills competitions in the Electronics competency, etc.) and regional specialized enterprises.
Research. The following research areas are developed: study of surface and phase interfaces using electronic spectroscopy; development and study of charged particles sources and plasma; study of optical, electrophysical, photoelectric, luminescent properties; reliability of electric power systems; electrophysics of nanodispersed systems.
Education. Bachelor students are trained according to the new system of project-oriented learning as part of the international standard CDIO which provides students with education developing basic engineering concepts stated in the context of a lifecycle of real-world systems, processes and products "Conceive – Design – Implement – Operate."
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the Elektroavtomatika electrical equipment manufacturer, Stilsoft Group, the Signal radio manufacturing plant of Stavropol, the Shema production company, the Optron-Stavropol power semiconductor manufacturer, the Monocrystal company, the Analog plant of electronic materials and devices, the LUM research and production company, the Concern Energomera electronics manufacturer.
Competitive advantages. A high level of specialists' competence, which takes into consideration particular characteristics of regional specialized enterprises, ensures almost 100% demand for them on the labor market and significant career growth. Such specialists are needed by the following enterprises: Monocrystal, Signal, Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies, Shema, Optron, Stilsoft Group, Elektroavtomatika, LUM, Concern Energomera.