Pedagogical Education in Nizhnevartovsk State University

Bachelor’s program


Health and Safety Education major


Faculty of Ecology and Engineering


Evgeniia Kozelkova, Head of the Department for Geography

+7 (3466) 43-65-86 (ext. 111)


Accreditation. State accreditation.

Awards and achievements. Students take an active part in regional, all-Russian, international conferences, research and practice webinars. Under the supervision of the department teachers, students publish their research findings in the peer-reviewed journals (the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles) and the collections of research and practice conference proceedings. They participate in specialized forums, Olympiads, and other events (the First Interregional Forum “Safety Teachers;” the 3rd Regional Student Internet Health and Safety Olympiad, city fire and rescue sport competitions for voluntary fire brigades of educational organizations of higher professional education and secondary vocational education, etc.).

Teaching staff. The department teachers are Doctors and Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors, specialists in geography, geoinformation technologies, health and safety, technosphere safety, health and safety basics teaching methodology. The major subjects are taught by the professional community members such as health and safety facilitators at general secondary education institutions, civil defense and fire safety specialists.

Facilities and resources. The degree-granting department is fitted with special equipment, test benches for civil defense and emergency situations, training sets of laboratory equipment such as Automated Fire Suppression System; Workplace Lighting Survey; Security and Fire Alarm. Students consolidate their educational skills on a training set for using emergency firefighting equipment. A dummy is also used to hone first-aid skills and cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills. In the department’s laboratories, students hone their skills using fire extinguishers, fire hoses, hydrants, special-purpose clothing. Education. Using training aids and laboratory facilities, students study the basics of national security, civil defense, prevention and response to ES and fire safety, human-made emergencies and protection from them, disaster medicine, health and safety teaching methodology. Students consolidate their theoretical knowledge during practical training at educational institutions in the city and other regions, in particular, gain experience at basic organizations – foresight centers where they interact with instructional coaches and employers.

Competitive advantages. NVSU has accumulated many years’ rewarding experience in training specialists who become health and safety teachers at schools, university-preparatory schools, supplementary education teachers of health and safety as well as health and safety facilitators.

Employers and employment. Graduates are successfully employed as health and safety teachers, health and safety facilitators at schools in Nizhnevartovsk and other regions. Specialists are in high demand at vocational education institutions (Nizhnevartovsk College of Social Sciences and Humanities) as well as at emergency agencies (13th brigade of the Federal Fire-Fighting Service of the State Fire-Fighting Service for the KhMAA-Yugra). Students have the opportunity to successfully combine their professional activity and studies pursuing a Master’s degree in Pedagogical Education at NVSU with a major in Health and Safety of Population and Territories in Emergency Situations.
