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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev”


Об организации

Achievements and academic reputation


Awards and academic recognition signs, successful participation in federal competitions/programs:

- Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research on the topic "Experimental and computer simulation of the influence of external factors on the performance of biological systems."

- Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research on the theme “Development of an integrated scientific approach to the study of the development of agricultural cooperation in modern environmental conditions”.

- Competition of youth research projects in the framework of the program "UMNIK".

Current positions in rankings:

Rating of agricultural universities "National recognition" - 35th position. Membership in Russian and international associations: Association Agroformation Russian Library Association

Поступление и обучение

Study programs

Secondary vocational education
09.02.04 Information Systems (by industry);
19.02.10 Technology of catering products;
21.02.04 Land Management;
23.02.01 Maintenance and repair of road transport;
35.02.07 Agricultural mechanization;
35.02.08 Electrification and automation of agriculture;
38.02.01 Economics and Accounting (by industry).

Higher Education - Undergraduate Programs
05.03.06 Ecology and environmental management;
08.03.01 Construction;
20.03.01 Technosphere safety;
21.03.02 Land management and inventories;
35.03.03 Agrochemistry and agrosoil;
35.03.05 Gardening;
35.03.06 Agroengineering;
35.03.07 Technology of production and processing of agricultural products;
36.03.01 Veterinary-sanitary examination;
36.03.02 Animal Science;
38.03.01 Economics;
38.03.02 Management.

Higher Education - Specialist's Programs
20.05.01 Fire safety;
38.05.01 Economic security.

Higher Education - Master's Programs
35.04.03 Agrochemistry and agrosoil;
35.04.04 Agronomy;
35.04.05 Gardening;
36.04.02 Animal Science;
38.04.01 Economics
38.04.02 Management

Higher education - programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school
05.06.01 Earth sciences;
06.06.01 Biological sciences;
08.06.01 Technique and technology of construction;
35.06.01 Agriculture;
35.06.04 Technologies, means of mechanization and power equipment in agriculture, forestry and fisheries;
36.06.01 Veterinary and animal science;
38.06.01 Economics.

Supplementary professional education

Advanced training programs:
“Mechanization of post-harvest processing and storage of grain and seeds”;
"Issues of operation of tractors, combines and sowing complexes";
"Energy saving and energy efficiency improvement in organizations";
"Modern technologies in crop production";
"Integrated use of fertilizers and plant protection products";
"Testing of high-quality crops and sampling";
"Assessment of contamination of crops";
“Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general management systems”;
"Professional training for the right to work with hazardous waste of I-IV hazard classes";
"Technologies of processing and standardization of milk and dairy products";
"Modern requirements for the organization and conduct of veterinary and sanitary examination of controlled products";
"Modern technologies in animal husbandry";
"Organization of the reproduction of farm animals";
"Diagnostics, prevention, treatment and health measures for infectious and especially dangerous diseases of farm animals and birds";
"Automation of accounting and tax accounting";
"Tax optimization, budgeting and organization of management accounting in organizations (by industry)";
"Tax accounting and tax reporting, tax planning";
"Organization, planning and monitoring of the results of the functioning of the farm";
"Business planning";
"Organization and production of general construction works";
"Works on the implementation of construction control."

Professional retraining programs:
"Organization Personnel Management";
“Accounting, analysis and audit”;
"Financial Planning";
“Technosphere safety. Implementation and monitoring of the functioning of the OSH management system;
"Ecology and environmental management";
"Industrial and civil construction";
"Land management and inventories."

International activity

Priority areas of international activity: 
- formation of the image of the university and increase its competitiveness in the international market of educational services;
- Achieving the international level of quality in all educational programs implemented at the university;
- joining the number of international leaders in research and development in a number of promising areas of the agrarian profile;
- creation and quality assurance of scientific and educational activities of the university at the level of modern international standards.
Foreign partner universities:
- Swiss Montreux Business School, Montreux, Switzerland;
- Czech University of Natural Sciences (CZECH UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES), Prague, Czech Republic;
- Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Poltava, Ukraine;
- Educational establishment “Belarusian State Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Academy”, Gorki, Republic of Belarus;
- Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Interstate Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education “Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after the first President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin ”, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic;
- Osh Technological University named after Academician М.М. Adysheva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic;
- Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "North Kazakhstan State University named after academician Mashan Kozybayev", Petropavlovsk, Republic of Kazakhstan;
- JSC “Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University”, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Kostanay branch of the Scientific and Production Center for Agroengineering LLP, Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Kostanay Research Institute of Agriculture LLP of KazAgroInnovation JSC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan.
HEI enrolls foreign students from the following countries:
- The Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Turkmenistan;
- Kyrgyzstan;
- Ukraine;
- Belarus;
- Tajikistan;
- Uzbekistan.
Enrollment and training conditions for foreign citizens
Educational infrastructure and activities (Preparatory department for foreign students, summer/winter schools, language courses, buddy program):
During the admission campaign for foreign citizens entering the university, preparatory courses were organized in the subjects of entrance examinations.

Accommodation for foreign students:
The campus of KSAA unites seven hostels that meet the established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Places in the hostels of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy are provided to everyone.
In each case, in addition to the living quarters, there are kitchens (on each floor), showers, laundry rooms, self-preparation rooms with Internet access, and gyms.
Accommodation of students is provided in two- and three-, four-bed rooms - corridor or block type. Upon arrival, students are provided with a minimum set of furniture, bed linen, etc. Also in the dormitories operates bandwidth mode.
Accommodation fee is set annually.
Scholarship programs, social adaptation support to foreign students:

Employment opportunities for foreign students during study and after graduation:

International Department
1 employee
1. Participation in the development of agreements and projects of cooperation with foreign partners.
2. Providing advisory support to the organizers when holding international events at the Academy and outside it (scientific and practical conferences, symposia, seminars, exhibitions, competitions, round tables).
3. Organizational work in the direction of abroad in order to study, internship and exchange of experience of teachers and students.
4. Registration and registration of invitations to foreign specialists and applicants, organization of receptions of foreign delegations staying at the Academy at the administration level, preparation of programs for international delegations.
5. The content of the section "International cooperation" on the official website of the Academy.
6. Ensuring the interaction of structural units of the Academy in the areas of international cooperation.
7. Preparation of reports in the framework of the activities of the department.
Does the International Department have an opportunity to interact with the target audience via HEI’s official website?
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Consultation services
Popkova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, tel. 8-919-562-38-87


641300, Курганская область, Кетовский район, с. Лесниково