Palacký University
Student mobility
21.07.2018 - 19.08.2018
Czechia, Olomouc
This offer is only for Arts & Humanities fields
Palacký University invites students from all over the world to join the comprehensive summer school giving an insight into Central European history, culture and architecture. Detailed information about the program, entry requirements and application procedure is available at https://ssce.upol.cz/
Deadline 31.05.2018Educational events
Czechia, Olomouc
Palacký University invites heads of universities, representatives of industry and business, and other professionals in the areas of education, science, and research to participate in the Times Higher Education Summit that will be held in April 2018. The Summit will provide an opportunity for universities to establish new partnerships and increase the academic and scientific reputations of their countries. For detailed information, feel free to contact Ivana Oborna, Vice-Rector for International Relations, +420 585 631 005 ivana.oborna@upol.cz
Deadline 01.04.2018