Zhejiang University
Educational events
31.10.2018 - 02.11.2018
China, Hangzhou
Zhejiang University invites you to participate in the 9th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP2018). It aims to provide a cross-cultural platform for enhancing international networking and collaborations between Asia and the West. Detailed information about the Conference is available at http://icme.zju.edu.cn/ikmap/
Deadline 31.05.2018Scholarships and grants
China, Hangzhou
Zhejiang University invites high-quality foreign students to apply for Zhejiang University Scholarship to pursue doctoral program studies in any of the courses offered by the university. Detailed information about the scholarship, eligibility criteria, and application procedure is available at http://iczu.zju.edu.cn/english/redir.php?catalog_id=9036
Deadline 20.05.2018