Utrecht University
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Business & Economics, Social Sciences fields
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoc position 'Climate related financial risks and opportunities' (1.0 FTE). Candidates should be excellent and enthusiastic researchers who are able to combine academic and broader societal perspectives, should hold a PhD in Finance or Economics; strong analytical skills and a background in real option theory are strongly recommended and experience with scenario building would be much appreciated. Being able and interested to (co-)operate in a multidisciplinary research group is an important selection criterion. An entrepreneurial spirit, excellent networking skills and the desire to develop programmes and attract funding are essential as are good communication skills and excellent command of spoken and written English. The researcher will spend 60 percent of his/her time on academic research, 20 percent on education and 20 percent on outreach to the financial sector, writing position (policy) papers and supporting the writing of new grant proposals. Experience in these fields are considered a plus. The position is temporary (1.0 FTE) and is offered for two to three years with an option to extend conditional on good performance. The gross salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges between €2,640 and €4,852 gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 % per year. We offer a pension scheme, (partly paid) parental leave, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). Detailed information about the position is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 29.10.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Life Sciences fields
The Faculty of Science of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoc position Biofuels with Negative Emissions (1.0 FTE). Candidates should have a strong background in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and a broad interest in the scientific, technological, economic and social aspects of the energy transition, to make an inventory of the technologies, tools and expertise available in the Chemistry Department and Copernicus Institute to identify and experimentally explore the most promising opportunities for new breakthroughs in negative-emission technologies in combination with second generation jet and marine fuel production. The position is temporary (1.0 FTE) and is offered for two years. The gross salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges between €2,640 and €4,166 (scale 10 according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities) gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 % per year. We offer a pension scheme, (partly paid) parental leave, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). Detailed information about the position is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 28.10.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Business & Economics, Social Sciences fields
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoctoral Researcher Investment in Industry Transition in the Research Hub on “Deep Decarbonization: Towards Industry with Negative Emissions” (0.8 – 1.0 FTE). We invite applications from candidates whose previous research activities and publication record reflect a strong interest and/or proven expertise in conducting transdisciplinary research on investment in sustainability transitions in energy and industry. Candidates should be able to not only analyze, but also to generate actionable knowledge and inspiring perspectives that practitioners can use and apply in their sustainability transition efforts within industry. The preferred candidate for this position has a PhD in Finance or Economics with proven interest in energy transition and futuring. Knowledge of corporate finance, investment decision making and financial modeling is expected. Knowledge of energy systems modelling and scenario analysis is highly appreciated. We offer a temporary position (0.8 - 1.0 FTE) for two years. We intend to extend the position to a period of 4 years, subject to a positive evaluation and the acquisition of external funding. The gross salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges between €3,044 and €4,852 gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 % per year. We offer a pension scheme, (partly paid) parental leave, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). Detailed information about the position is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 29.10.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Arts & Humanities fields
The Faculty of Humanities of Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoc Position in Anchoring in Hellenistic Philosophy (1.0 FTE) for 1,5 years, starting date to be agreed, with a preference for 1 March 2019. Candidates should have a PhD in Ancient Philosophy, held by time of appointment (if the degree is not yet obtained at the time of application, a statement by the applicant's supervisor should confirm that it will be obtained by time of appointment); an excellent research and publication record in relation to stage of career; a strong cooperative attitude and willingness to engage in collaborative research; excellent command of English; some organisational experience. The salary - depending on previous qualifications and experience - ranges from €3,637 to €4,978 gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year-end allowance of 8.3% per year. In addition, Utrecht University offers excellent secondary conditions, including an attractive retirement scheme, (partly paid) parental leave and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). In order to be considered, applications must include the following information (in the order stated), in one PDF file (not zipped): - cover letter; -cv, including list of publications and contact details of two referees; - research proposal of 1500 words (excluding bibliography and – if appropriate – appendix containing list of sources: together max. two pages A4); -copy of relevant degree certificate(s);- if necessary (see requirements), statement by supervisor confirming that the applicant will hold the required degree at the time of appointment. Detailed information about the position is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 31.10.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Clinical, Pre-clinical & Health, Life Sciences fields
The Faculty of Science of Utrecht University invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher in Inflammation and Cancer Immunology (1.0 FTE). Candidates should have a PhD in tumor biology or immunology, with a strong publication record and an experience in molecular biology, measurement of immune responses, primary cell cultures, and in vivo mouse models. Detailed information about the position, required qualifications and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 30.08.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Life Sciences fields
The Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University invites applications for the position of Research Assistant Social Change for Sustainability (1.0 FTE). Candidates should have a Master’s degree in Social Sciences, preferably with interdisciplinary orientation. Detailed information about the position, required qualifications and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 31.08.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Clinical, Pre-clinical & Health fields
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral position in Comparative Computational Pharmacology (1.0 FTE). Candidates should be postdoc researchers and good team player with strong analytical skills and an aptitude for mathematical reasoning. Detailed information about the position, required qualifications and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 30.09.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University invites applications for the position of Specialist in Equine Surgery and Orthopaedics (dipl. ECVS/ACVS) (1.0 FTE). Candidates should be veterinarians with an EU-recognised diploma and a board-certified diplomate in large animal surgery ECVS or ACVS - LA). Detailed information about the position, required qualifications and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 01.10.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Life Sciences fields
The Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University invites applications for the Tenure track faculty position in Sustainable Water Resources Management (1.0 FTE). Candidates should have a PhD and experience with and interest in academic teaching of water-related courses including tutoring of BSc and MSc thesis projects. Detailed information about the position, required qualifications and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 31.08.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Physical Sciences fields
The Faculty of Science of Utrecht University invites applications for the position of Tenure-track Westerdijk Fellow: Assistant Professor of Physics (0.8 - 1.0 FTE). Candidates should have a Master’s degree and PhD in Physics and outstanding research achievements. Detailed information about the position, required qualifications and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 01.09.2018Jobs
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Life Sciences fields
Utrecht University invites applications for a full time Residency position in the Section of Companion Animal Emergency and Critical Care. The successful candidate will join three board-certified ECC faculty members to strengthen the team and develop the growing Section of ECC. Detailed information about the position, required qualifications and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs
Deadline 02.09.2018Scholarships and grants
Netherlands, Utrecht
This offer is only for Business & Economics, Social Sciences fields
Utrecht University offers approximately 15 scholarships each year to talented international students who wish to pursue a master degree program in the Netherlands. Scholarships are awarded in one of the English taught Master’s programmes of the Graduate School of Law, Economics, and Governance. Detailed information about the scholarship, eligibility criteria and application procedure is available at https://www.uu.nl/masters/en/general-information/international-students/financial-matters/grants-and-scholarships/law-economics-and-governance-international-talent-scholarship
Deadline 01.02.2019