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Russia and Turkey are partners in a wide variety of fields. They have been developing academic and cultural relationships for many years. Today Turkish citizens are increasingly considering obtaining a higher education degree in Russia.
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University is the first transport higher education institution in Russia.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (SPbSUITD) takes an active part in selecting international applicants for studying at Russian universities within the Russian Government quota.
Russia and Turkey are partners in a wide variety of fields. They have been developing academic and cultural relationships for many years. Today Turkish citizens are increasingly considering obtaining a higher education degree in Russia.
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University is the first transport higher education institution in Russia.
Russia and Turkey are partners in a wide variety of fields. They have been developing academic and cultural relationships for many years. Today Turkish citizens are increasingly considering obtaining a higher education degree in Russia.
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University is the first transport higher education institution in Russia.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (SPbSUITD) takes an active part in selecting international applicants for studying at Russian universities within the Russian Government quota.