Economic Security

Achievements. Among the students of the academic year 2023-2024 are the winners of the contests, held by the Youth Union of Economists and Financiers of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury, and special Olympiads, and participants of legal and economic dictations.
Teaching staff. The teachers have higher professional education relevant to the disciplines they teach and carry out research and methodological activities. A total of 48 faculty members are engaged in the program delivery. 81% of teachers hold academic degrees and titles. The proportion of practical workers is 18%.
Facilities and resources. All students have continuous access to the electronic library system containing study materials and teaching and learning materials on major subjects.
Learning outcomes. The program is delivered using state-of-the-art information technologies. Students have access to state-of-the-art professional databases, information reference and search systems. The learning process combines theoretical training with field-specific business games, a project-based approach, and master classes from practicing experts. The specific features of graduates’ education and activities underlie their forms of practice-oriented training. Traditional elements of continuing practical training for economic security specialists are classes conducted by employers’ representatives on a regular basis in all years of study. The faculty also organizes field classes at economic security departments of commercial banks or enterprises where students get acquainted with the specific features of their future profession.
Educational internships include students’ direct participation in the computer business simulation game “BUSINESS COURSE: Corporation Plus” allowing them to simulate the performance of economic security departments at commercial enterprises to maintain economic and financial relations taking into account the arising risks.
Work placements are undertaken at organizations of various forms of incorporation and industry affiliation, which allows students to systematize the acquired theoretical knowledge and expand their practical skills in their degree field as well as increase their professional competencies. Future economic security specialists take part in searches and inspections and other special procedures as attesting witnesses by order of police and Federal Security Service authorities, which allows them to hone their professional skills in practice.
Career prospects and employment. Kazan Linear Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Transport, the Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for the Republic of Tatarstan, the Tax Crime Combating Department of the MIA for the Republic of Tatarstan, the Audit Expert company, the Business Economic Security Agency, security departments of Sberbank and other commercial banks, and interdistrict tax offices.