Bachelor`s degreeRating: 2


Social and Human Sciences
Профиль Civil Law and International Law; Criminal Law
The preview image of the educational program
University of Management "TISBI"
Faculty of Law

Duration 4 years
Languages of instruction Russian

Achievements. The faculty has the letters of acknowledgment from the judiciary and lawyer community of the Republic of Tatarstan for high-quality professional training of future lawyers. The faculty programs are mainly aimed at developing future lawyers’ competencies that are in demand in the modern job market. For this purpose, the classical academic law courses are complemented with special law courses, the list of which is annually updated in line with the update of professional competencies and trends in the development of law and legal science and practice. Besides, the content of the educational program helps students to learn foreign languages at a higher level and programs of automation and digitalization of legal processes (legaltech). Among students are laureates and winners of various Olympiads and contests, including those held by the Federal Bailiff Service Directorate in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the RT, relevant government agencies and organizations, and holders of the Russian President Scholarship and other government incentives.

Teaching staff. More than 75% of the teachers hold academic degrees and titles. Almost all teachers have education relevant to the disciplines they teach. Judges, investigators, public prosecution officers, including retired ones, practicing lawyers, and attorneys for the defense are actively engaged in developing and delivering the educational program.

Facilities and resources. All students have continuous access to ELS such as www.iprbooks. ru and, the Garant information and legal system, Consultant+, and electronic textbooks in the ISU VUZ—the learning management system which is TISBI’s exclusive development. During practical classes, students regularly use Internet services of general jurisdiction courts, commercial courts, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Office of Investigations of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Federal Bailiff Service Directorate, the Business Rights Commissioner, the Federal Service for State Registration, My Judge, etc.

Learning outcomes. Emphasis is placed on studying legal regulation of economic relations and the relationship between traditional law courses and practice-oriented courses. While studying, students participate in project, research and expert activities in Russian and international law. Practical training is important. Starting from the third year of study, the most skilled students undertake work placements at the University’s legal clinic, which is aimed at providing free legal assistance to needy citizens and disadvantaged groups.

Career prospects and employment. The university maintains close cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies, internal affairs bodies, prosecution authorities and judicial authorities, government authorities and local self-government authorities, defense attorneys, and business entities. Graduates have good employment opportunities and can continue their education by pursuing Master’s programs, if desired.

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