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Russian House
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№ 9 (29) 2023
Education in Russia for Tanzanian Citizens
Alexey Bondaruk, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in the United Republic of Tanzania, talks about the development of Russia- Tanzania cooperation in education.
Russian House
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№ 9 (29) 2023
Education in Russia for Moroccan Citizens
Maxim Egorov, Director of the Russian House in Rabat (Morocco), talks about the reasons why Morocco is so interested in education in Russia.
Russian House
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№ 9 (29) 2023
Education in Russia for Citizens of the Republic of the Congo
Maria Fakhrutdinova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Brazzaville, talks about what attracts the Congolese and what path is followed by those wishing to study in Russia.
Russian House
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№ 9 (29) 2023
Education in Russia for Egyptian Citizens
Marat Gatin, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Rerepresentative Office in the Arab Republic of Egypt, talks about the prospects for Russia-Egypt cooperation in education.
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№ 9 (29) 2023
Africa: the Continent of the 21st Century…And other six arguments for partnership
Africa has one-third of the whole world’s mineral resources, almost one-fifth of Earth forests, and from 40% to 90% of the world’s supply of non-ferrous and rare metals, without which modern high-tech manufacturing would be impossible.
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Is It Expensive To Study In Russia? Read The New HED Issue To Find Out
The 27th issue of the Higher Education Discovery magazine about education in Russia for international applicants has come out.
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