#Russian House

Russian House
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№ 4 (35) 2024
Russia – South Asia. Expansion of Humanitarian Cooperation
Russia consistently develops international cooperation, in particular, with South Asian countries, in the areas of humanitarian, youth, academic projects.
Russian House
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№ 4 (35) 2024
Russia for the Nepalese is Primarily Progress. Russian House in Nepal
Anton Maslov, Director of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Nepal, talks about the activities of the Russian House in Kathmandu.
Russian House
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№ 4 (35) 2024
Learning RFL in Groups. Russian House in India
For many years, learning Russian as a foreign language in groups has been the most popular work format both at Russian and international universities.
Russian House
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№ 4 (35) 2024
The Russian Language is an Additional Advantage. Russian House in Bangladesh
What fields of study are chosen by Bangladeshi applicants? What arouses Bangladeshis’ interest in studying in Russia? Pavel Dvoichenkov, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in Bangladesh, talks about these aspects.
Russian House
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№ 2 (33) 2024
“That Friendship is Strong that is Sealed by Deed”
Rossotrudnichestvo is a federal state agency that mainly aims to promote the humanitarian and cultural values of Russia internationally.
Russian House
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№ 10 (30) 2023
Education in Russia for Chilean Citizens
Today, Chileans rediscover Russia and Russians. Nina Milovidova, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representatitive Office in Chile talks about the role of the Russian House in Santiago in this process.
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