Best Educational Programs: BIOLOGY
Faculty of Veterinary Biology
Bachelor's program
Master's program

LYSENKO, Nikolai Petrovich
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The Biology program is implemented by the Faculty of Veterinary Biology, which is the only one in the agricultural education system of the Russian Federation. This educational program successfully underwent accreditation for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standards of higher professional education and higher education. The faculty established the leading scientific school of veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootology, mycology with mycotoxicology and immunology.
Teaching staff. High quality education is ensured by the highly qualified teaching staff. Practically all the teachers have academic degrees. The faculty is headed by Professor N.P. Lysenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a laureate of the Russian Federation Government Award in Science and Technology and in Education, Head of the Department of Radiation Biology and Virology named after Academicians A.D. Belov and V.N. Siurin.
Academy partners within the educational program. Thanks to international relations students can attend lectures given by Professors from Germany and France, undertake study placement abroad.
Students' and alumni's achievements. Bachelor graduates often pursue their Master's degree in the fields of molecular biology and immunology, radiobiology and biophysics, biochemistry and bionanotechnologies.
Annually, heads of agricultural enterprises have an opportunity to conclude further employment agreements with senior students at the job fairs. Alumni are employed at various state organizations, ministries and government agencies, international, social and political organizations, private firms.
Facilities and resources. Students can benefit from computer classrooms, a library, an anatomical and biological museum, a historical museum of veterinary radiation biology. The Department of Radiation Biology and Virology established the VetOnco innovative veterinary center for student research and personnel development. The academy has six dormitories, a sports complex with specialized clubs of football, arm wrestling, judo, basketball, volleyball, power lifting, sambo, freestyle wrestling, and Greco-Roman wrestling.
Opportunities for students. Students undertake study placement in Germany, Austria, the USA. The faculty annually enrolls students from all regions of the Russian Federation as well as from foreign countries such as the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel, India.
Employment prospects. Technician at biochemical laboratories (clinical diagnostic laboratories, PCR laboratories, etc), ecologist, microbiologist, chemical biologist, research fellow, entomologist, embryologist, teacher, toxicologist, specialist in the field of biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular biology and ecology.