Department of Ecology and Environmental Management
Master's program

MISHVELOV, Evgenii Georgievich
Program Director
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Own educational standard in the field of Ecology and Environmental Management. The staff formed the basis for the educational program which was evaluated by the external expert panel of the National Centre for Public Accreditation (2017). The evaluation was performed by the employees of Russian educational organizations and scientists from
North-Caucasus Federal University offers some more best educational programs in the field of Natural Sciences:
GEOGRAPHY - Bachelor's program, Master's program
CHEMISTRY - Bachelor's program, Master's program
Teaching staff. Four Doctors of Sciences, eight Candidates of Sciences, including holders of the title of Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the
University partners within the educational program. The Gazprom Transgaz Stavropol gas transportation company; the Directorate of the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service for the
The department cooperates with the
Students' and alumni's achievements. Students and postgraduates participate in the North Caucasian Youth Forum «Mashuk,» presenting their ideas and projects. They become holders of grants provided by the UMNIK Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, winners and laureates of various ecology contests, including innovative projects. They are winners of the Ecology Internet Olympiads.
Facilities and resources. The educational process is implemented using state-of-the art laboratories and devices. The resource center of aerospace and geoinformation technologies allows students to investigate the environmental state of territories using state-of-the art tools of Earth remote sensing.
There is a UniScan-36 terrestrial station with the 8 band for receiving and processing aerospace information, equipment for receiving and processing data from the space vehicle.
Opportunities for students. Students undergo internships at the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service (the Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Resources for the Stavropol Territory), the SevKav-NIPIgaz gas company, Stavropol Agricultural Research Institute of the Russian Agricultural Academy, and other enterprises with subsequent employment opportunities.
Employment prospects. Alumni are employed at design, surveying, research, production, marketing, consulting, economic, legal departments, offices, institutes of ecology and management of natural resources, general education institutions.