Best Educational Programs: APPLIED GEODESY
Department of Cadastre and Geoinformation Systems
Specialist’s program

OLEINIK, Anatolii Mikhailovich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Since 2014 this program has been recognized as one of the best programs within the project Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.
Industrial University of Tyumen also offers aBachelor's and a Master's program in Land Planning and Cadastres
Teaching staff. The department employs four Doctors of Sciences and 12 Candidates of Sciences as well as the heads of major specialized enterprises (two persons).
The degree-granting department is developing the scientific school of geodetic monitoring of complex oil and gas engineering facilities. The research results are presented at conferences, seminars and congresses: Oil and Gas of West Siberia; Geo-Siberia InterExpo. The department published the monograph “Geodetic Monitoring of Geotechnical Gas Production and Transport Systems under the Conditions of Expansion of Permanently Frozen Grounds.”
University partners within the educational program. The main partners are specialized departments of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (Novosibirsk) and Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin. The department has concluded agreements with the specialized enterprises of the region such as West-Siberian Aero-Geodetic Enterprise where the external department was established, the Navgeokom geodetic company, the GiproNG-Trust design company, the Sphere-T geodetic company, the Neftegazproekt oil and gas research and design institute.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. The first specialists graduated in 2017. Students actively participate in subject olympiads, intellectual games, contests of intellectual projects, research works, in scientific conferences, the UMNIK contest, and others. Third-year student A. Privalov is the frequent prize winner of the all-Russian olympiad in physics, the winner of regional contests of scientific works, has eight publications. In 2016 fifth-year student I. Shliakhtin qualified for the UMNIK contest final.
Facilities and resources. The university has specialized learning and research laboratories with state-of-the-art geodetic equipment, computer classrooms and classrooms with multimedia equipment.
Opportunities for students. The scientific component is an integral part of the educational process. The sections of students’ research work are included in course and graduation papers, in the sections of reports on educational internship, work placement and pregraduation internship.
Starting from the first year of studies students do scientific research, perform economic agreements concluded with enterprises.
Students undertake internships in specialized laboratories, on the training ground and at manufacturing departments of the regional enterprises including enterprises of the Far North.
Employment prospects. Geodesist, cadastral engineer, map-maker, mining surveyor.