Department of Geophysical Methods, Search and Exploration of Mineral Deposits

Specialist’s program


KERIMOV, Abdul-Gapur Guseinovich

Head of the Department


Awards and achievements of the educational program. Professional-public accreditation (2015; the accrediting authority - the Association for Engineering Education of Russia).

North-Caucasus Federal University offers some other best educational programs in the field of Geology, Minerals Exploration and Mining:

OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING - Bachelor’s program

APPLIED GEOLOGY - Specialist’s program

Teaching staff. Two Doctors of Sciences and seven Candidates of Sciences. The department is headed by Abdul-GapurKerimov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor. The developments by A.-G.G. Kerimov and Professor S.B. Beketov were awarded two gold medals and one silver medal (the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2013).

University partners within the educational program. Stavropol Neftegeofizika, SevkavNeftegazgeofizika, Georesurs, the Krasnoyarsk Directorate of Geophysical Operations, the Tyumen Promgeofizika production geophysical association, Surgut Neftegeofizika Trust, Surgut Neftegaz, the Geofizika research and production enterprise of geophysical technology, the Abinsk Directorate of Geophysical Operations, Krasnodar Nneftegeofizika, NoyabrskNeftegaz, the PomorNeftegeofizika production geophysical association.

Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students regularly participate in all-Russian and international conferences and exhibitions.

About 100% of graduates are employed within their degree field (S.Iu. Borkhovich, Head of the Department of Udmurt State University; L. Muleshova, a manager of the GeoSolutions Technology project (USA)).

Facilities and resources. NCFU has all the facilities and resources required to offer its students proper learning opportunities (eight dormitories, 11 gyms, modern and unique laboratory, geophysical and analytical equipment).

Opportunities for students. Students have an opportunity to do research, study according to individual programs, join academic mobility programs, complete training at the Department of Military Arts.

Employment prospects. Geophysical engineer, geological engineer.
