Best Educational Programs: INNOVATION STUDIES
Department of Innovation Technologies
Bachelor’s program

TARASOVA, Valentina Nikolaevna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. In 2008 and 2014 the department was recognized as the best degree-granting department of the Russian University of Transport. In 2016 it became the Best Youth Outreach Department of the Russian University of Transport. In 2008 and 2010 it was subsidized as part of the contests organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff include three Professors, Doctors of Sciences (two of them undertook their internship at foreign universities); eight Associate Professors including six Candidates of Sciences; three Assistant Professors and two Assistants represent the following scientific schools: History and Philosophy of New Development and Innovation Management; Strategic Marketing of Innovation Technologies and Management; Advanced High Technologies.
S.Iu. Liapina is Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, a laureate of the Russian Federation Government Award in the field of education for scientific and methodological support and experimental introduction of the Innovation Studies program in Russian universities, a leading specialist in the field of theoretical innovation studies.
University partners within the educational program. Traditionally, the Innovation Studies program graduates are employed at leading transportation companies, for example, at engineering policy services of the Russian Railways company, as well as innovation infrastructure companies and small innovation enterprises.
Alumni’s achievements. Fifty percent of Bachelor graduates annually pursue a Master’s degree at the Russian University of Transport and other universities. Other graduates receive attractive offers from employers.
The outstanding alumni include G.O. Pervushin, Head of Exhibition and Conference Hosting Sector of the Department of Corporate Communications of the Russian Railways company; D.V. Gorin, the founder and Director General of several small enterprises including the SMProject innovation enterprise, etc.
Facilities and resources. The Department of Innovation Technologies has a computer classroom with the TLS-system that allows students to work in online study modes. In the academic laboratory of system decision making students learn how to use the business analysis system to develop strategic thinking in a context of uncertainty. The university laboratory “Prototyping Center of Russian University of Transport” provides training in technologies of 3D-modeling, scanning, prototyping, molding production.
Opportunities for students. Internship is undertaken at partner enterprises engaged in innovation business, or at transportation holdings. Training is provided on a project basis in teams.
Employment prospects. Development manager, large data array processing manager, sales manager in the sphere of science, and technology broker.