Department of Biotechnology,
Department of Food Technology and Engineering
Master’s program

LODYGIN, Aleksei Dmitrievich
Head of the Department of Applied Biotechology

OBOTUROVA, Natalia Pavlovna
Head of the Department of Meat Processing and Canning Technology
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Official state accreditation (2015) and professional-public accreditation (2014, the accrediting authority—the National Centre for Public Accreditation). The leading researchers of the department (A.G. Khramtsov, I.A. Evdokimov, S.A. Riabtseva) were awarded the Science and Technology Prize from the RF Government. The teachers of the department win grants (the Life Science research school—the grant of the Russian Federation President).
North-Caucasus Federal University also offers a Bachelor's program in Food Products of Animal Origin.
Teaching staff. Seven Doctors of Sciences, 31 Candidates of Sciences
University partners within the educational program. Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University), Voronezh University of Engineering Technologies, the All-Russian Research Institutes of Meat and Milk Industry, Volga Research Institute of Production and Processing of Meat and Dairy Products (Russia); Belarusian State University; University of Milan (Italy); the Technical University of Munich (Germany); AgroParisTech University (France); the University of Reading (UK); meat and milk production enterprises of the Stavropol Territory.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students regularly participate in all-Russian and international conferences and exhibitions.
Graduates are in great demand at food and bio-industry enterprises, at various agencies for consumer rights protection and the respective research institutions. Many of them are teachers or heads of specialized enterprises: S.V. Anisimov, Director of the Stavropol Dairy Plant; V.I. Shipulin, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at NCFU, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor.
Facilities and resources. NCFU has all the facilities and resources required to offer its students proper learning opportunities.
Opportunities for students. Students get their field placement at the leading enterprises of Belarus, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Germany as well as the Stavropol Territory at the Center of Biological Engineering of NCFU. Students can also join academic mobility programs (Erasmus Mundus), apply for internal NCFU grants as well as international academic projects in cooperation with partner universities of Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Canada.
Employment prospects. Process engineer at food processing industry enterprises, leading specialist, leading research worker at research organizations, higher school teacher, executive officer.