Department of Applied Mathematics

KURKIN, Andrey Aleksandrovich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” is one of the most demanded programmes. The students study mathematical analysis, linear and higher algebra, mathematical physics, programming languages and methods, data bases, mathematical models in economics and many others. Employers’ demand for the Programme’s graduates increases from year to year.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff includes 16 Doctors and 22 Candidates of Sciences. The Department’s researchers have been prize winners of prestigious national and inter-national competitions. In 2005, A. Kurkin won the golden medal in the category “Best Research of the Year” of the competition “100 Best HEIs of Russia”. In 2011 teachersO. Polukhina and I. Didenkulova received grants of the RF President.
In 2011-2013, three Doctoral and six Candidate theses were defended. The Department publishes the journal “News of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the RF” – “Applied Mathematics and Mechanics” series. Postgraduate study programmes are available; there is a Dissertation Board. The Department’s teachers formed joint research groups with Universities of France, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Turkey and Estonia. Research work is sponsored by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. International contacts are sup-ported by scholarships of the RF President.
Competitiveness of students. The students’ team of the Department participates in national Olympiads in informatics. The Department’s graduate A. Kozelkov won the title the “Person of the Year of Rosatom-2013” in the category “Mathematician”. Graduation theses are developed in the field of mathematics, informatics, mathematical modelling, hydrodynamics; the majority of graduation theses are targeted at solving specific tasks.
Interaction with employers. The Department signed contracts on students’ practical training with the Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, Nizhny Novgorod Laboratory of Programming Technologies, the Institute of Independent Monitoring, the Research Institute of Experimental Physics, JSC “Intel”, the Research Institute of Measuring Systems, LLC “Mera-NN”, LLC “Telma”, the Research Enterprise “Polyot” and others. All graduates are employed according to their specialty.