Best Educational Programs: AERONAVIGATION
Faculty of Aeronautic Systems and Complexes
Bachelor’s programme

PETROV, Viktor Ivanovich
Programme presentation. Education and training in the area “Aeronavigation” has been delivered at the University since 2006. The field of Bachelors’ professional activity includes organization, performing, maintenance and service of aircraft flights, air transportation and aviation works; ensuring safety of aircraft flights and (or) aviation safety. The objects of professional activity are as follows: aircrafts; objects of the Unified Air Traffic Control System; aerodromes and airports; aviation enterprises and operators; technological process control systems, etc.
Material and technical facilities of the University are represented by unique simulators of ATC (Air Traffic Control) systems and cabins of modern aircrafts operated by the Russian aviation companies.
Teaching staff. Quality of education at the Faculty is ensured by the experienced teaching staff and due to availability of research schools, which have obtained wide national and international recognition. Practical training of air traffic control operators is delivered by the staff of Moscow Centre of Automated Air Traffic Control.
Competitiveness of students. Graduates in the given area of training are distinguished by a wide range of professional competencies which include good command of modern information technologies for solution of the tasks of air traffic organization and control. Besides, the graduates have proficiency in aviation English.
Students are placed for practical training and work experience both in the HEI and in Moscow Centre of Automated Air Traffic Control. The University has the contracts on employment with Moscow Centre of Air Traffic Control and other centres.
The graduates are highly demanded in national and foreign organizations of air traffic control. Upon completion of training many of them find a job in the State Corporation for Air Traffic Organization of the RF, Moscow Centre of Automated Air Traffic Control, international airports “Sheremetyevo”, “Domodedovo”, “Vnukovo” and other Russian airports, at the enterprises of civil aviation and other industries.