Best Educational Programs: CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY
Faculty of Chemistry of Substances and Materials
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

PRAVDIN, Nikolay Nikolaevich
Programme presentation. The list of the programme’s objectives includes: training of highly qualified specialists in the field of innovation technologies for modern branches of science and industry, producing of global chemical, plasmachemical goods, electro- and hydrometallurgy, electrochemical energy, electrolytic metallurgy, construction industry, contemporary nanotechnologies for system elements of nuclear power industry, high precision electronic devices, biomedicine, gene engineering. Among our graduates there are heads of major chemical enterprises and research organizations, 3 Rectors of St. Petersburg HEIs.
The bachelor’s programme covers 5 specializations: “Chemical Technology ofInorganic Substances”, “Technology of Electrochemical Processes”, “Chemical Technology ofRefractory Nonmetallic and Silicate Materials”, “Chemical Technology of Materials and Products of Electronics and Nano-electronics”, “Chemical Technology of Nanostructures and Functional Materials”.
The study process is supplied with modern research equipment and devices, which are concentrated in the centre for collective use “Chemical Assembly of Nanomaterials” and specialized laboratories of x-ray diffractometry, physical chemistry of high-temperature processes, spectral methods of analysis, physico-mechanical testing of cement, synthesis and properties investigation of catalysts and sorbents. Two correspondent members of the Russian Academy of Science, an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, three honored workers of science of the Russian Federation, three honored workers ofhigh school of the Russian Federation participate in the academic process.
Programmes of a higher level – master’s programmes – involve exclusive enhanced training, which guarantees advanced employability, rapid adaptation in a competitive environment, achieving higher career results in the field of research, manufacture, and management.
Special opportunities for academic mobility are provided by the double-diploma programmes, which are implemented in cooperation with the leading universities ofFrance,
Interaction with employers. Graduates after completion of the academic practice are employed in dynamically developing major companies in the North-West, Central, Ural, Siberian and South regions of the Russian Federation: OJSC “Acron”, OJSC “Rigel”, OJSC“Ammophos”, OJSC “Integrated Plant Severonickel”, OJSC “EuroChem”, LLC “KnaufGipsKolpino”, OJSC “Borovichi Refractories Plant”, “Rosatom”.