Best Educational Programs: SERVICE


Institute for Transport and Technical Service

Bachelor’s programme

Postgraduate programme


KORYAGIN, Sergey Ivanovich



Programme presentation. Within the Service study programme, the following majors are offered: Car Service, Service at Oil and Gas Enterprises, Service at Housing and Utility Sector Enterprises.

For several years, BFU has been expanding ties with Russian universities and sVAT colleges, e.g. Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University (MADI), Vocational School of Branch Technologies, etc. Long-term partnership relations with foreign universities, such as Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia), Lisbon Higher Engineering School (Portugal), Belorussian-Russian University (Belarus), Institute for Strength Issues of the NAS (Ukraine), Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria).

The infrastructure of the Institute for Transport and Technical Service includes a Laboratory Centre for diagnostics and repair of automobiles and several specialized laboratories, Regional research and education Centre for Transportation and Shipbuilding Issues, Aviation training centre and five computer study rooms.

Teaching Staff. The teaching staff of the programme is highly-qualified: 18% are professors, doctors of sciences and 42% are associate professors, candidates of sciences. Approximately 10% of the teachers are leading regional professionals in the field of Housing and Utility Sector management, motor vehicle inspection and oil products de-livery. A visiting professor from Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany) conducts classes in Management of Logistic Processes in Auto Service.

Competitiveness of students. Students and postgraduates are prize-winners of the competition ’National Heritage of Russia’, the contest of the International Fuel and Energy Association. The students are awarded grants from V. Potanin’s foundation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kaliningrad Region.

Interaction with employers. The Institute cooperates with the leading region’s employers: Avtodor Holding, Association of Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations, authorized dealers of the leading automobile producing companies in Kaliningrad, property management companies of Kaliningrad region, Lukoil, KaliningradGasAvtomatika Plant, and Gazprom. The cooperation results in establishing resource centres at the partner enterprises, students’ working practice, conducting joint research events and in further placement of the graduates.
