Best Educational Programs: PHYSICS
Department of General and Experimental Physics
Bachelor's program
Master's program

PLOTNIKOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. In 2017 the Master's program in Physical Methods and Information Technologies in Medicine underwent professional-public accreditation and was accredited for the period of six years.
Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 10 Professors, over 40 Associate Professors, specialists of healthcare institutions. The faculty scholars are often awarded the Altai Territory prizes, all-Russian prizes and state awards for excellence in science and technology.
University partners within the educational program. Students undergo their practical training at the partner institutions: the Altai regional cancer center, the diagnostic center of the Altai Territory, the federal center of traumatology, orthopaedics and endoprosthesis. They are actively involved in the work of the laboratory of quality control of materials and structures established in cooperation with the Institute of Strength of Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Students undergoing their practical training at the Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are involved in the programs of fundamental research of water resources of Siberia, implement grant-based research projects commissioned by business entities and organizations of the Altai Territory and other regions.
Alumni's achievements. The faculty's prominent alumni include E.A. Baranchugov, Director General of the Corporate Systems company; S.G. Nedoroslev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kaskol, a large investment company in aerospace and energy engineering industry, a member of the Executive Board of the Central Council Bureau of the Russian Engineering Union; S.V. Kucheryavsky, Teaching Fellow of Aalborg University (Denmark), A.V. Yushkov, Research Fellow at the Institute of Detection Technologies and Astro-practicle Physics of Buenos Aires (Argentina) of the Pierre Auger Collaboration.
Facilities and resources. The academic process is supported with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, hardware and software. The laboratories are equipped with unique apparatus: powerful lasers, exhaust carts, atomic-force microscope, the laboratory of Vernier digital sensors, etc. Students take part in video and teleconferences, live events held in cooperation with national and international companies and institutions.
Opportunities for students. Students regularly win in national and international research contests, exhibitions, olympiads. For exceptional academic achievements students are awarded personal scholarships granted by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, by the Altai Territory and Barnaul Administrations.
Employment prospects. Graduates from the program are employed by healthcare institutions, companies and organizations carrying out marketing and maintenance of medical equipment, defense and machine building companies, higher education institutes, research institutes, etc.