Postgraduate Doctors’ Training Institute in the Chuvash Republic

Lyudmila I. GERASIMOVA, Rector of Postgraduate Doctors’ Training Institute of Healthcare Ministry of the Chuvash Republic
Postgraduate Doctors’ Training Institute of the Healthсare Ministry of the Chuvash Republic offers 9 higher education programs (residency training and further professional education) according to the perennial license for educational activities (No. 2321 of August 05, 2016) issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.
In June 2017 the Institute obtained the State Accreditation for six years in main higher education study programs—training of top-qualification specialists in an enlarged group of degree programs, 31.00.00 Clinical Medicine.
Annually over 1,500 Russian and foreign specialists study here. Over the past decade 25,963 participants completed courses of continuing education and professional retraining, including medical residents from Yemen, Syria, Morocco, Angola, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.
Educational services
Priority areas of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy for the Chuvash Republic till 2020 are healthcare and education. The tasks set up in these areas include improvement in the service quality, development of the Further Professional Education system, and an increase of the percent of further education students. The tasks of the focus areas in the Institute activities are correlated: the high quality services provided for doctors have a direct impact on their professional activity and allow them to improve the quality of medical services.
The Institute offers training in degree programs (residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dermatovenerology, Neurology, General Medicine, Endocrinology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, General Dentistry) and various further professional education programs.
Educational paths are quite flexible. The teaching process is adjusted to every group of learners in keeping with the analytics carried out by the Department of Educational Quality Management. The staff of this department together with the teachers of courses and programs of the Institute evaluate the volume and quality of students’ knowledge, specific features of professional thinking as well as the performance quality of the academic teaching staff.

The ceremony of conferring the title of the Honorary Professor of Postgraduate Doctors’ Training Institute of the Healthcare Ministry of the Chuvash Republic on George Vithoulkas, Professor of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (Greece), 2016.
Classrooms are located in two buildings. Besides, there is a dormitory and several clinical sites: the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is situated in the Presidential Perinatal Center, the Department of Dermatovenerology is situated in the Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, the Department of Endocrinology is in the Republican Clinical Hospital, and the Department of Pediatrics is in the Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital.
There are opportunities for distance learning. Dozens of programs offered by the Institute are presented at the web portal for Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.
The Institute works closely with the leading Russian educational institutions in the fields of teaching (off-site cycles are offered) and scientific activities. Networking cooperation is organized, for example, with Kazan State Medical Academy in the field of transplantology.

The staff of the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The Institute staff members improve their qualifications continuously: defend theses for degrees, publish monographs and textbooks, perform research work as part of international projects and grants, and participate in competitions, congresses, conferences, seminars. The Institute has been granted the certificates of recognition of the Russian Federation for computer software, certificates of innovation propositions, and dozens of patents.
International projects
Many years’ experience in implementation of international projects is a key to further development of this area of the Institute activities. Among successfully accomplished projects are:
- the project “Introduction of the General Medical Practice in the Chuvash Republic,” the Open Society Institute, the Soros Foundation (developing curricula, professional re-training programs, and study guides);
- the Tacis project “Support of Healthсare System Management” (problem-based learning for healthcare managers; distance learning based on computer and telecommunication technologies);
- the WHO project on tuberculosis in the Chuvash Republic (developing the program “Organizing early detection and early treatment of tuberculosis—2002-2004”; training courses for phthisiologists, laboratory doctors and laboratory assistants, seminars on infection control in antitubercular facilities, seminars for phthisiologists on cohort analysis and immediate decision-making;
- the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development project “Efficiency Enhancement of the Government Agencies Actions” (developing methods of functional analysis of executive agencies; developing and testing new methods of government agencies activity planning, a system of standards and criteria for assessment of government officials activity; describing the process of civil servants’ performance of their official duties; developing official regulations on the basis of administrative regulations of the government agency; developing and implementing official contracts and regulations; developing standards of state services quality and availability);
- the Chuvash-Canadian project on the Healthcare Policy Reform, financed by the Canadian Agency for International Development, CIDA (organizing the regular study course “Healthcare Policy Reform” for the healthcare officials and economists engaged in the healthcare system; developing and implementing an in-service retraining and professional development system for general practitioners; developing and implementing a nurse practitioners training system; developing the Strategic Plan of Healthcare Reconstruction in the Chuvash Republic for 2003-2010;
- the European Commission project (developing and implementing a procedure of results-oriented budgeting at the executive agencies and a network of subordinate authorities);
- the European Union project for enhancement of the system of welfare services for socially vulnerable groups of the population III (elaborating five regional pilot projects aimed at creating an effective and efficient model for delivery of comprehensive medical and social, psychological, and legal assistance; developing and implementing a continuous comprehensive training process for Healthcare, Social Welfare and Education specialists, and nongovernmental organizations dealing with the target groups of the project; building an anonymous registration system for delivery of social welfare services to the target groups of the project; carrying out information campaigns for increasing awareness about the problems of HIV/AIDS and drug addiction);
- the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development project “Technical Support for the Healthcare System Reform” (organizing training of primary care specialists in modern prevention, diagnostic, treatment and monitoring techniques in accordance with the international framework based on principles of evidence-based medicine and approved by the orders of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation).
Strategic resources
Since 2004 the Institute has been publishing the medical research journal Healthcare of Chuvashia reviewed by the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. The journal offers articles on burning medical problems that are of practical interest to personnel of healthcare centers, to private medical practitioners and to anyone who is professionally engaged in medical services delivery.
Since 2007 the Internet portal has been giving a media support to the Institute. In 2009 this web resource became a winner of the 10th Russian National Open Internet Competition “Golden Site” in the Volga Federal Region in the nomination “Healthcare”. The unique automated Doctor Testing system is the most popular with site visitors.
Since 2011 the Republican Medical Research Library has become a structural unit of the Institute. The library now holds 126,000 volumes including five private collections of the prominent medicine workers of the Chuvash Republic. The collection of periodicals contains over 150 journals and newspapers. Visitors of the library are medical, education, academic and research workers. Main library processes have been automated: literature classification, information search, order of electronic copies of documents from other libraries. An electronic catalogue is available on the website of the library.
In 2009 the Institute was among the first educational institutions of Chuvashia to implement a Quality Management System (QMS) in compliance with the requirements of the International Standard (IS) ISO 9001:2008. A certified QMS guarantees the quality of the educational process due to the highly effective management, the transparent organizational structure of the institution, and useful feedback from the education service consumers.

Professor Elena G. Artemeva, Head of the Therapy Chair, is making her presentation at the research conference.
An internationally unified approach to recognizing of the QMS compliance to the International Standard ISO 9001 makes the Institute attractive to international students and foreign companies for cooperation in the Education and Healthcare sectors.
In 2013 the Institute was granted the IQNet Certificate to carry out further professional and postgraduate educational services, scientific research, and publishing in the field of healthcare. In 2016 the Institute underwent public accreditation according to the system for support of EQAVET in the countries of the CIS and Eastern Europe. In April 2017 the Institute received Certificate of Public and Professional Accreditation No.020/17 of the Medical League of Russia. Currently the Institute is going through the licensing of medical residency programs in such fields of study as anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, emergency medical care, dental therapy, dental surgery, dental prosthetics, pediatric dentistry, orthodontic therapy.
The staff members of the Institute successfully accomplish crucial tasks and keep improving and growing professionally in-step with the times.
Institute of further medical education
Established in 1999
Annually over 1,500 medical specialists are trained here in programs of professional retraining and advanced training
27, Sespelia Street, Cheboksary, 428003, Chuvash Republic, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 835 262-66-37