Technological Machines and Equipment in North-Caucasus Federal University

Master’s program


Mechatronics and Agrocybernetics major


Department of Food Technology and Engineering


Natalia Oboturova, Head of the Department

+7 (8652) 33-08-57, ext. 51-53


Accreditation. The program successfully underwent state accreditation in 2020.

Awards and achievements. In 2018, Professor A. Borisenko, as a member of the scientific school of living systems was awarded a gold medal at the All-Russian contest for the best innovative solutions. The department teachers won the Russian President grant for state support of young researchers in 2019 and the RFBR grant in 2020. The department graduates are frequent winners of all-Russian contests such as UMNIK (2014-2018) and Engineer of the Year of the Stavropol Territory 2020. Since 2022, the educational program teacher has been taking an active part in the FZ-218 grant project.

Facilities and resources. Multimedia learning tools in classrooms, state-of-the-art analytical and laboratory equipment for cryoscopy, microcomputer tomography, membrane units, etc. Students undertake internships at employers’ facilities.

Education is supported with specialized classrooms, laboratories, equipment, continuous access to the electronic databases of the Russian State Library, the National Electronic Library, Elsevier, Web of Science, Scopus, NCFU.

Research. Basic research and R&D are conducted as part of Russia’s scientific and technological development strategy: development of research and technology basics of the integrated technology of manufacturing food products for enteral nutrition; development of dairy raw materials fractionation processes in the production of food products and lactose; development of food raw materials processing technology in the production of long shelf life foods.

Competitive advantages. Training is provided by Professors and Associate Professors with 10-45 years’ experience. There is an opportunity to ensure continuity of all stages of higher education and academic mobility, including study placement abroad.

Employers and employment. Graduates are in demand at regional and federal levels and are heads of a number of food enterprises of the sector and catering organizations. A high level of knowledge and practical skills has positive feedback with letters of appreciation from the enterprises of the sector. The major graduate employers taking part in developing students’ competencies (as practical training facilities), modernizing the educational program (Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory) are NCFU, Technological Institute of Service (DSTU branch), Dairy Plant, DMP, Neolant Service, Brewing Plant, Wine and Brandy Factory, Bakery Plant No.3, the Olympia Meat Factory, Iney, and Poultry Processing Plant.
