Bachelor`s degreeRating: 3


Social and Human Sciences
Профиль Business Organization and Management
The preview image of the educational program
Russian New University
Institute of Business Technologies

Duration 4 years
Languages of instruction Russian

Accreditation. In 2021, the program underwent professional-public accreditation for compliance with the job market requirements and the professional standard 08.037 Business Analyst for five years.

Awards and achievements. In 2019-2023, the program was selected as the best education program as part of the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia project.

Students are prize-winners of contests and championships such as the All-Russian Youth Management Cup “Manage!,”, the Strategy and Business Management Championship Global Management Challenge, the All-Russian Student Actionade, the Moscow Case Championship – Changellenge Cup, the Case Study Championship under the aegis of the CASE-IN International Engineering Championship (Gazprom PJSC Corporate League), and others.

Teaching staff. The programs are delivered by seven departments that employ highly qualified teachers, including Professors, Doctors of Sciences and Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors.

Learning outcomes. Graduates gain competencies in generation of business and social initiatives; organization and management activities; information and analytical activities; settlement and economic activities; engineering and manufacturing activities.

Such skills are needed by both executives, who have subordinates, and employees (specialists) at the departments of the company’s executive office such as– departments of marketing, sales, human resources, strategic development, etc.

Facilities and resources. Teachers use such methods, techniques and practices as information blocks, discussions, the project method, business games, skills exercises, problem-based situations, case study, analysis of main business models, analysis of key types of business strategy, development of the skill-based sales model, and role plays on main sales techniques such as SPIN, AIDA, and SNAP.

Research. Each department has student scientific societies and science clubs. The Institute has the scientific school “Transformation of Management during the Development of the Digital Economy.” Every year, around 25% of students conduct research. They publish articles and speak at conferences at different levels. The Department of Management participates in organizing and holding all-Russian and international research conferences and research and practice conferences.

Competitive advantages. Highly qualified teaching staff; a high level of applicants’ competence; a high level of graduates’ competence; major-related research areas; the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in Strategic Business Management and a PhD degree.

Career prospects and employment. The institute graduates hold senior positions at public and private sector organizations in various sectors of the economy as well as at scientific and design organizations. Many graduates combine their work with pursuing Master’s and PhD degrees in Management at RosNOU.

Программы университета
Pedagogical Education
Master's degree
Bachelor`s degree
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