Specialist's degreeRating: 3


Health and Medical Sciences
The preview image of the educational program
Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko
Faculty of Pediatrics

Duration 6 years
Languages of instruction Russian

Accreditation. Professional–public accreditation in 2021.

Awards and achievements. In 2023, the program was recognized as one of the best educational programs of innovative Russia. The Russian President Scholarships, the Russian Government Scholarships, personal scholarships; the Professor of the Year award; the title of Professor Emeritus of VSMU named after N.N. Burdenko; the Russian National Award “Student of the Year;” the first place diploma and medal of the CIS countries “The Best Research Fellow of the CIS Countries 2023.” The students won the 1st All-Russian Student Pediatrics and Neonatology Olympiad.

Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 48 departments in 82 disciplines. The faculty comprises 11 departments. The teaching staff includes Doctors of Sciences and Candidates of Sciences, holders of the titles of Honored Worker of Higher Education of the RF, Honored Workers of Science and Education of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Honored Doctor of the RF, Excellent Worker of Public Health, Professor of the Year.

Learning outcomes. The developed general cultural, general professional, and professional competencies ensure professional activities in healthcare, administration and management, and office work.

Facilities and resources. The university clinic (Voronezh Children’s Clinical Hospital) and the Federal Multidisciplinary Accreditation and Simulation Center.

Research. Each department has student science clubs. Every year, students publish their papers and speak at conferences at different levels, including international conferences in English. One doctoral thesis in Medicine was defended in 2023. Voronezh Children’s Clinical Hospital is a part of the Endocrinology scientific platform of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Participation in four clinical trial protocols was approved. Teachers and students conduct research at the university’s Research Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine.

Competitive advantages. The practical training facilities are medical organizations in Voronezh, Russia (Moscow), and foreign clinics. Academic mobility of teachers: the Republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Belarus; Germany and Japan.

Career prospects and employment. The graduate employment rate is more than 95%. Many graduates hold senior positions in practical healthcare and universities.

Yulia Rakovskaya

Head of the Academic Office
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Программы университета
General Medicine
Specialist's degree
Specialist's degree
Preventive Medicine
Specialist's degree
Specialist's degree
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