Applied Mathematics and Informatics in Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
Bachelor’s program
Applied Mathematics and Informatics in Knowledge-Intensive Production major
Institute of Fundamental Training and Technological Innovations, Department of Further Mathematics and Mechanics
Aleksandr Smirnov, Head of the Department
+7 (812)-371-91-73
Accreditation. State accreditation. Professional-public accreditation.
Awards and achievements. Every year, at the beginning of November, the department holds the International Forum on Mathematical Methods and Models in Knowledge-Intensive Production. The best Bachelor’s students participate in international Olympiads and are engaged in solving the tasks as part of the scientific projects of the Russian Science Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and other organizations. Starting from the third year of study, the most active students already work at the Saint Petersburg enterprises within their degree field. Graduation theses of such students are done on request of the relevant enterprises.
Teaching staff. At the department, 92% of the teachers hold academic degrees. Of them, 30% are Doctors of Physics and Mathematics and Engineering Sciences. The department teachers who do not hold academic degrees pursue PhD programs. All teachers carry out research and teaching and guiding activities relevant to the major they teach. The department teachers engage their students in their research and help them prepare reports for research conferences.
Facilities and resources. Modern software in the specialized computer classroom is used for fundamental and applied research in the field of study. Research. The department staff conducted research as part of the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Scientific Foundations of Building Architectures and Communications Systems of Next-Generation Airborne Computing Systems for Aviation and Space Systems and Unmanned Vehicles.” At the moment, the department is doing the work for the Russian Science Foundation on the topic “Monodromy and Hierarchy Matrix of Integrable Nonlinear Equations.” The department is planning to conduct research on the topic “Mathematical Foundations of Development of High-Technology Medical Equipment Analyzing Brain Pathologies.” The most prepared and active students are engaged in doing all research papers of the department staff.
Employers and employment. Graduates are employed by the top enterprises and organizations located in Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, including the defense industry enterprises and the Gazpromneft Holding divisions.