Machine Building in Industrial University of Tyumen
Institute of Industrial Technology and Engineering, Department of Technology of Machine Building
Bachelor's program

NEKRASOV Roman Iurevich
Acting Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. Students are frequent winners and prize winners of professional skills competitions such as "Praise the Man of Labor" in the categories of The Best Process Engineer and The Best Welding Engineer. They are top ranked in Top 100 engineers of
Teaching staff. The teachers have basic field-specific education, are involved in research and methodological activities. At least 10% of the teaching staff are employees of specialized enterprises (industrial partners). Two teachers have certificates of professional engineer of the Tyumen Region.
Facilities and resources. The department's facilities have state-of-the-art equipment. There is a park of industrial robots manufactured by KUKA, FANUC; CNC process equipment and robotic centers of flexible computerized manufacturing systems. The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art computer technology with required licensed CAD software for CAD,
Research. The main research areas include the following: profiled surface shaping processes on CNC machines; control of deformation of the layer being cut off and loading of cutting tool edges; tool performance assessment in transient cutting on CNC machines; development of integrated diagnosis and control systems for machining processes on CNC machines; modeling of machining processes and shaping mode adjustment processes.
Education. Specialists are trained in design and construction using specialized software able to control the whole manufacturing process: from preparation of a product drawing to testing of an assembly component and installation of a finished product at the facility. The project teaching method is applied so that individual education paths can be followed using state-of-the-art educational technologies: practical-module technology, case technology and integrated learning technology.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with enterprises such as Tyumenstalmost, a steel structure manufacturer; GMS Neftemash, an oil equipment supplier; Tyumen Experimental Factory of Geophysical Instrument-Making; UrayNPO—Servis, an oilfield equipment service and repair company; GROM, a geology-prospecting equipment manufacturer; the Tyumen Engine Builders company; the Schlumberger oilfield services company, and many others.