international students from 56 countries
VSTU is a large scientific center in the south of Russia and one of the country's leading technical universities. It creates the macroregion's education and engineering center for chemical engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, urban planning, transport, natural resource management and environmental protection.
- The large information and library center
- Research and production facilities
- Multimedia classrooms
- Laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment
Classes are conducted in Russian and English. Students undertake work placements at the top enterprises in the region and abroad.
VK – @vstu_vk
Telegram – @volgogradpolitech
Youtube – @vstuTV/videos
Tuition fees per year
Full-time studies 130,000 – 200,000 RUB
Part-time studies 44,500 – 60,000 RUB
Extramural studies 43,750 – 60,000 RUB
Required documents
- Notarized translation of passport into Russian (it is valid for at least two years)
- Document confirming complete secondary education or higher education translated into Russian and legalized at the Russian embassy
Entrance exams
Based on the results of entrance exams, applicants from the CIS countries can be enrolled at the university in the places funded by the Russian Government.
Faculty for Foreign Students' Training
+7 8442 23-44-20
+7 8442 24-84-16
Faculty for Foreign Students' Training
Entrance exam schedule, programs and samples
Faculty for Foreign Students' Training
Russian language. Main faculties
Fields of study
- Mechanical Engineering
- Automation of Technological Processes and Production and Robotics
- Chemical Engineering and Food Technology
- Computer Sciences
- Architecture and Construction
- Technical Operation of Vehicles and Transport Logistics
- Economics, Finance and Management
Automation of Technological Processes and Production and Robotics
- Automation of Technological Processes and Production in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Tooling Systems for Machinery Production
- Automated Control Systems in Digital Production
- Automation and Control Systems and Equipment
Chemical Engineering and Food Technology
- Chemical Engineering of Organic Substances
- Chemical Engineering of Polymers and Composite Materials Processing, Additive Technologies
- Chemical Engineering of Natural Energy Carriers and Carbon-Based Materials
- Milk and Dairy Product Technology
- Meat and Meat Product Technology
Computer Sciences
- Computer-Aided Design of Cyber Physical Systems
- Automated Data Processing and Management Systems
- Computing Machines, Complexes, Systems and Networks
- Computer-Aided Design Systems
- Information Systems and Technologies in Construction
- Applied Informatics in Economics
- Software and Information Systems Engineering
Architecture and Construction
- Architectural Design of Buildings
- Motor Road Bridges and Tunnels
- Highways
- Urban Environment and Interior Design
- Manufacturing of Building Materials, Products and Structures
- Industrial and Civil Engineering
- Construction of Oil and Gas Facilities
- Heat, Water and Gas Supply and Ventilation
- Technical Operation of Housing and Public Utilities
Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
More than 1,400 international students from 56 countries of Southeast and Central Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the CIS countries are studying at the university.

National costume runway show

VSTU Vietnamese students at the festival

Vietnamese national dance
PreviousNextCareer guidance counseling
- Online fairs
- Offline education fairs
- Presentation of the university abroad
- Online and offline testing for international applicants
- Offline and online meetings of the university staff members with international applicants
Choice motives
- Over 60 years' experience in training of specialists for foreign countries
- A wide range of popular educational programs
- Rich historical heritage of the Volgograd Region
- Well-developed comfortable infrastructure of the region and its logistics accessibility
- Graduates' successful career