
№ 3 (9) 2021
Why Do Chemists Need Descriptive Geometry And How To "Break Up" Chemistry?
Chemistry is a self-consistent and beautiful, and most importantly, "eternal" science. Marina Trusova, Director of the Research School of Chemistry & Applied Biomedical Sciences of Tomsk Polytechnic University, is quite certain about it.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 3
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 2
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.

№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 1
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.

Scientist from Pakistan Tells about His Research at SUSU
South Ural State University has one of the best structures for scientific activity in the country. 12 laboratories are international that have been established under the supervision of leading foreign professors.

Ammar Kadi - SUSU Scientist from Syria
SUSU is the most famous university in South Ural, so international students choose it to get their education. It offers different programs and gives future scientists lots of opportunities to carry out research in many fields of science.