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№ 6 (17) 2022
First-Year Student Adaptation At FEFU
Campus tours, large-scale music events, plenty of interactive events, fun and yummies! That's how Far Eastern Federal University welcomes all its first-year students.
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№ 6 (17) 2022
I Will Study In Russia
Russian universities are always happy to accept international students. Universities hold a variety of events so that yesterday's school students can quickly adapt to new living conditions and learning process. And this is not just about mass activities.
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№ 5 (16) 2022
Russia at a glance. Belgorod
The Belgorod Region is a Russian region with one of the most thriving economies. Belgorod, the capital of the Belgorod Region, boasts abundant greenery and clean air.
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№ 5 (16) 2022
Aspects Of Admission Of Mongolian Applicants
In 2022, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the day when the first Mongolian students were admitted to Soviet and Russian universities and more than 100 years of diplomatic relations between our friendly countries.
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№ 5 (16) 2022
Where To Search For The Information On Russian Universities
People mostly search for the information on Russian universities on social media platforms4, from relatives and friends, on the website of the Ministry of Education of Mongolia, radio and TV.
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№ 4 (15) 2022
Russia at a glance. Kuban
The Krasnodar Territory has the fifth-largest inflow of foreign tourists in Russia after Moscow and the Moscow Region, Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and is the hottest region in Russia.
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