#master`s degree

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№ 2 (6) 2020
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. Acquaintance
The first engineering transport university in Russia. It provides advanced engineering training in many key areas, such as heavy haul and high-speed traffic control, creation of magnetic levitation transport and etc.
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English-taught Master`s Program International Management From BSU
This is a pioneer comprehensive program from Baikal State University that prepares students for an international career in management.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
Irkutsk National Research Technical University. Enrollment Campaign
Apply to Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU). Not only will you gain profound knowledge in your field, but you can also acquire necessary hard and soft skills that will give you an edge in your job search.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
Baikal State University. Enrollment Campaign
Baikal State University graduates are in high demand in the Russian and international labor markets. BSU's key business partners are Russian and international employing companies as well as municipal, regional and federal authorities.
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New English-Taught Program: Digital Technologies in Architecture and Construction
In 2021 SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction will introduce a new English-taught Master’s program Construction. Digitalization in Architecture and Construction training specialists ready to work in a new environment.
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Geuriciu Bonde Salomau, Angola. "If I get invited to teach at the VyatSU, I'll stay!"
Born in Angola, came in handy in Russia! Geuriciu Bonde Salomau told why he preferred VyatSU to universities in the USA, how he is going to get the university "addicted" to cardio and what is -29C for a South African.
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