Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Arkhangelsk RegionAdmission in the articles

№ 2 (22) 2023
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
NArFU is one of the ten Russian federal universities, the largest research and education center in North-Western Russia.

№ 3 (14) 2022
Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Enrollment campaign 2022
NArFU is one of ten Russian federal universities, the largest research and education center in North-Western Russia. It trains specialists in technology, natural sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, and IT.

№ 1 (12) 2022
Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Admissions
NArFU is one of the ten Russian federal universities, the largest research and education center in North-Western Russia. It trains specialists in technology, natural sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, and IT.