M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Admission in the articles
№ 6 (26) 2023
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
North-Eastern Federal University is the embodiment of high-quality education and innovative thinking. Today Russia and world science are proud of this university founded more than 120 years ago.
№ 8 (19) 2022
Admission And Adaptation Of International Students
Let's look at the aspects of admission, studying and adaptation of international students at Russian universities considering an example of North-Eastern Federal University.
№ 2 (6) 2020
North-Eastern Federal University. Enrollment Campaign
NEFU is a multidisciplinary classical university, the largest university in Northeast Russia. It is one of the leaders in biology and medicine, novel materials and nanotechnologies, sustainable use of natural resources.